Source code for larray.core.session

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import os
import sys
import re
import fnmatch
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict, Iterable

import numpy as np

from larray.core.metadata import Metadata
from import Group
from larray.core.axis import Axis
from larray.core.constants import nan
from larray.core.array import Array, get_axes, ndtest, zeros, zeros_like, sequence, asarray
from larray.util.misc import float_error_handler_factory, is_interactive_interpreter, renamed_to, inverseop, basestring
from larray.inout.session import ext_default_engine, get_file_handler

# XXX: inherit from OrderedDict or Array?
[docs]class Session(object): r""" Groups several objects together. Parameters ---------- *args : str or dict of {str: object} or iterable of tuples (str, object) Path to the file containing the session to load or list/tuple/dictionary containing couples (name, object). **kwargs : dict of {str: object} * Objects to add written as name=object * meta : list of pairs or dict or OrderedDict or Metadata Metadata (title, description, author, creation_date, ...) associated with the array. Keys must be strings. Values must be of type string, int, float, date, time or datetime. Warnings -------- Metadata is not kept when actions or methods are applied on a session except for operations modifying a specific array, such as: `s['arr1'] = 0`. Do not add metadata to a session if you know you will apply actions or methods on it before dumping it. Examples -------- >>> # axes >>> a, b = Axis("a=a0..a2"), Axis("b=b0..b2") >>> # groups >>> a01 = a['a0,a1'] >> 'a01' >>> # arrays >>> arr1, arr2 = ndtest((a, b)), ndtest(a) create a Session by passing a list of pairs (name, object) >>> s = Session([('a', a), ('b', b), ('a01', a01), ('arr1', arr1), ('arr2', arr2)]) create a Session using keyword arguments (but you lose order on Python < 3.6) >>> s = Session(a=a, b=b, a01=a01, arr1=arr1, arr2=arr2) create a Session by passing a dictionary (but you lose order on Python < 3.6) >>> s = Session({'a': a, 'b': b, 'a01': a01, 'arr1': arr1, 'arr2': arr2}) load Session from file >>> s = Session('my_session.h5') # doctest: +SKIP create a session with metadata >>> # Python <= 3.5 >>> s = Session([('arr1', arr1), ('arr2', arr2)], meta=[('title', 'my title'), ('author', 'John Smith')]) >>> s.meta title: my title author: John Smith >>> # Python 3.6+ >>> s = Session(arr1=arr1, arr2=arr2, meta=Metadata(title='my title', author='John Smith')) # doctest: +SKIP >>> s.meta title: my title author: John Smith """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): object.__setattr__(self, '_objects', OrderedDict()) meta = kwargs.pop('meta', None) if meta is None: meta = Metadata() self.meta = meta if len(args) == 1: a0 = args[0] if isinstance(a0, str): # assume a0 is a filename self.load(a0) else: # iterable of tuple or dict-like self.update(a0) else: self.add(*args, **kwargs)
# XXX: behave like a dict and return keys instead? def __iter__(self): return iter(self.values())
[docs] def add(self, *args, **kwargs): r""" Adds objects to the current session. Parameters ---------- *args : list of object Objects to add. Objects must have an attribute 'name'. **kwargs : dict of {str: object} Objects to add written as name=array, ... Examples -------- >>> s = Session() >>> axis1, axis2 = Axis('x=x0..x2'), Axis('y=y0..y2') >>> arr1, arr2, arr3 = ndtest((2, 2)), ndtest(4), ndtest((3, 2)) >>> s.add(axis1, axis2, arr1=arr1, arr2=arr2, arr3=arr3) >>> # print item's names in sorted order >>> s.names ['arr1', 'arr2', 'arr3', 'x', 'y'] """ for arg in args: self[] = arg for k, v in kwargs.items(): self[k] = v
[docs] def update(self, other=None, **kwargs): r""" Update the session with the key/value pairs from other or passed keyword arguments, overwriting existing keys. Note that the session is updated inplace and no new Session object is returned. Parameters ---------- other: Session or dict-like object or iterable with key/value pairs Object containing key/value pairs to add or modify. **kwargs: If keyword arguments are specified, the session is then updated with those key/value pairs (e.g.: ses.update(pop=pop, births=births, deaths=deaths)). Examples -------- >>> x, y = Axis('x=x0..x2'), Axis('y=y0..y3') >>> arr1 = ndtest((x, y)) >>> arr2 = ndtest(x) >>> s = Session(x=x, y=y, arr1=arr1, arr2=arr2) >>> # print item's names in sorted order >>> s.names ['arr1', 'arr2', 'x', 'y'] >>> s.arr2 x x0 x1 x2 0 1 2 >>> # new axis and array >>> z = Axis('z=z0..z2') >>> arr3 = ndtest((x, z)) >>> # arr2 is modified >>> arr2_modified = arr2.set_axes('x', z) Passing another session >>> s2 = Session(z=z, arr2=arr2_modified, arr3=arr3) >>> s.names ['arr1', 'arr2', 'x', 'y'] >>> s.arr2 x x0 x1 x2 0 1 2 >>> s.update(s2) >>> # new items have been added to the session 's' >>> s.names ['arr1', 'arr2', 'arr3', 'x', 'y', 'z'] >>> # and array 'arr2' has been updated >>> s.arr2 z z0 z1 z2 0 1 2 Passing a dictionary >>> s = Session(x=x, y=y, arr1=arr1, arr2=arr2) >>> s.names ['arr1', 'arr2', 'x', 'y'] >>> s.arr2 x x0 x1 x2 0 1 2 >>> d = {'z': z, 'arr2': arr2_modified, 'arr3': arr3} >>> s.update(d) >>> s.names ['arr1', 'arr2', 'arr3', 'x', 'y', 'z'] >>> s.arr2 z z0 z1 z2 0 1 2 Passing an iterable with key/value pairs >>> s = Session(x=x, y=y, arr1=arr1, arr2=arr2) >>> s.names ['arr1', 'arr2', 'x', 'y'] >>> s.arr2 x x0 x1 x2 0 1 2 >>> i = [('z', z), ('arr2', arr2_modified), ('arr3', arr3)] >>> s.update(i) >>> s.names ['arr1', 'arr2', 'arr3', 'x', 'y', 'z'] >>> s.arr2 z z0 z1 z2 0 1 2 Passing keyword arguments >>> s = Session(x=x, y=y, arr1=arr1, arr2=arr2) >>> s.names ['arr1', 'arr2', 'x', 'y'] >>> s.arr2 x x0 x1 x2 0 1 2 >>> s.update(z=z, arr2=arr2_modified, arr3=arr3) >>> s.names ['arr1', 'arr2', 'arr3', 'x', 'y', 'z'] >>> s.arr2 z z0 z1 z2 0 1 2 """ if other is None: pass elif hasattr(other, 'items'): for k, v in other.items(): self[k] = v elif isinstance(other, Iterable): for k, v in other: self[k] = v else: raise ValueError("Expected Session, dict-like or iterable object for 'other' argument. " "Got {}.".format(type(other).__name__)) for k, v in kwargs.items(): self[k] = v
def _ipython_key_completions_(self): return list(self.keys()) def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, int): keys = list(self.keys()) return self._objects[keys[key]] elif isinstance(key, Array): assert np.issubdtype(key.dtype, np.bool_) assert key.ndim == 1 # only keep True values truenames = key[key].axes[0].labels return Session([(name, self[name]) for name in truenames]) elif isinstance(key, (tuple, list)): assert all(isinstance(k, str) for k in key) return Session([(k, self[k]) for k in key]) else: return self._objects[key]
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None): r""" Returns the object corresponding to the key. If the key doesn't correspond to any object, a default one can be returned. Parameters ---------- key : str Name of the object. default : object, optional Returned object if the key doesn't correspond to any object of the current session. Returns ------- object Object corresponding to the given key or a default one if not found. Examples -------- >>> # axes >>> a, b = Axis("a=a0..a2"), Axis("b=b0..b2") >>> # groups >>> a01 = a['a0,a1'] >> 'a01' >>> # arrays >>> arr1, arr2 = ndtest((a, b)), ndtest(a) >>> s = Session([('a', a), ('b', b), ('a01', a01), ('arr1', arr1), ('arr2', arr2)]) >>> arr = s.get('arr1') >>> arr a\b b0 b1 b2 a0 0 1 2 a1 3 4 5 a2 6 7 8 >>> arr = s.get('arr4', zeros('a=a0,a1;b=b0,b1', dtype=int)) >>> arr a\b b0 b1 a0 0 0 a1 0 0 """ try: return self[key] except KeyError: return default
def __setitem__(self, key, value): self._objects[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): del self._objects[key] # TODO: add a a meta property when Python 2.7 will be dropped def __getattr__(self, key): if key is 'meta': return self._meta elif key in self._objects: return self._objects[key] else: raise AttributeError("'{}' object has no attribute '{}'".format(self.__class__.__name__, key)) # TODO: implement meta.setter when Python 2.7 will be dropped def __setattr__(self, key, value): if key is 'meta': if not isinstance(value, (list, dict, OrderedDict, Metadata)): raise TypeError("Expected list of pairs or dict or OrderedDict or Metadata object " "instead of {}".format(type(value).__name__)) object.__setattr__(self, '_meta', value if isinstance(value, Metadata) else Metadata(value)) else: self._objects[key] = value def __delattr__(self, key): del self._objects[key] def __dir__(self): return list(set(dir(self.__class__)) | set(self.keys())) # needed to make *un*pickling work (because otherwise, __getattr__ is called before ._objects exists, which leads to # an infinite recursion) def __getstate__(self): return self.__dict__ def __setstate__(self, d): # equivalent to self.__dict__ = d (we need this form because __setattr__ is overridden) object.__setattr__(self, '__dict__', d)
[docs] def load(self, fname, names=None, engine='auto', display=False, **kwargs): r""" Load Array objects from a file, or several .csv files (all formats). Load also Axis and Group objects from a file (HDF and pickle formats). WARNING: never load a file using the pickle engine (.pkl or .pickle) from an untrusted source, as it can lead to arbitrary code execution. Parameters ---------- fname : str This can be either the path to a single file, a path to a directory containing .csv files or a pattern representing several .csv files. names : list of str, optional List of objects to load. If `fname` is None, list of paths to CSV files. Defaults to all valid objects present in the file/directory. engine : {'auto', 'pandas_csv', 'pandas_hdf', 'pandas_excel', 'xlwings_excel', 'pickle'}, optional Load using `engine`. Defaults to 'auto' (use default engine for the format guessed from the file extension). display : bool, optional Whether or not to display which file is being worked on. Defaults to False. Examples -------- In one module: >>> # axes >>> a, b = Axis("a=a0..a2"), Axis("b=b0..b2") # doctest: +SKIP >>> # groups >>> a01 = a['a0,a1'] >> 'a01' # doctest: +SKIP >>> # arrays >>> arr1, arr2 = ndtest((a, b)), ndtest(a) # doctest: +SKIP >>> s = Session([('a', a), ('b', b), ('a01', a01), ('arr1', arr1), ('arr2', arr2)]) # doctest: +SKIP >>> # metadata >>> s.meta.title = 'my title' # doctest: +SKIP >>> = 'John Smith' # doctest: +SKIP >>> # save the session in an HDF5 file >>>'input.h5') # doctest: +SKIP In another module: load the whole session >>> # the load method is automatically called when passing >>> # the path of file to the Session constructor >>> s = Session('input.h5') # doctest: +SKIP >>> s # doctest: +SKIP Session(a, b, a01, arr1, arr2) >>> s.meta # doctest: +SKIP title: my title author: John Smith Load only some objects >>> s = Session() # doctest: +SKIP >>> s.load('input.h5', ['a', 'b', 'arr1', 'arr2']) # doctest: +SKIP >>> a, b, arr1, arr2 = s['a', 'b', 'arr1', 'arr2'] # doctest: +SKIP >>> # only if you know the order of arrays stored in session >>> a, b, a01, arr1, arr2 = s.values() # doctest: +SKIP Using .csv files (assuming the same session as above) >>>'data') # doctest: +SKIP >>> s = Session() # doctest: +SKIP >>> # load all .csv files starting with "output" in the data directory >>> s.load('data') # doctest: +SKIP >>> # or only arrays (i.e. all CSV files starting with 'arr') >>> s.load('data/arr*.csv') # doctest: +SKIP """ if display: print("opening", fname) if fname is None: if all([os.path.splitext(name)[1] == '.csv' for name in names]): engine = ext_default_engine['csv'] else: raise ValueError("List of paths to only CSV files expected. Got {}".format(names)) if engine == 'auto': _, ext = os.path.splitext(fname) ext = ext.strip('.') if '.' in ext else 'csv' engine = ext_default_engine[ext] handler_cls = get_file_handler(engine) if engine == 'pandas_csv' and 'sep' in kwargs: handler = handler_cls(fname, kwargs['sep']) else: handler = handler_cls(fname) metadata, objects =, display=display, **kwargs) for k, v in objects.items(): self[k] = v self.meta = metadata
[docs] def save(self, fname, names=None, engine='auto', overwrite=True, display=False, **kwargs): r""" Dumps Array objects from the current session to a file (all formats). Dumps also Axis and Group objects from the current session to a file (HDF and pickle format). Parameters ---------- fname : str Path of the file for the dump. If objects are saved in CSV files, the path corresponds to a directory. names : list of str or None, optional List of names of Array/Axis/Group objects to dump. If `fname` is None, list of paths to CSV files. Defaults to all objects present in the Session. engine : {'auto', 'pandas_csv', 'pandas_hdf', 'pandas_excel', 'xlwings_excel', 'pickle'}, optional Dump using `engine`. Defaults to 'auto' (use default engine for the format guessed from the file extension). overwrite: bool, optional Whether or not to overwrite an existing file, if any. Ignored for CSV files and 'pandas_excel' engine. If False, file is updated. Defaults to True. display : bool, optional Whether or not to display which file is being worked on. Defaults to False. Examples -------- >>> # axes >>> a, b = Axis("a=a0..a2"), Axis("b=b0..b2") # doctest: +SKIP >>> # groups >>> a01 = a['a0,a1'] >> 'a01' # doctest: +SKIP >>> # arrays >>> arr1, arr2 = ndtest((a, b)), ndtest(a) # doctest: +SKIP >>> s = Session([('a', a), ('b', b), ('a01', a01), ('arr1', arr1), ('arr2', arr2)]) # doctest: +SKIP >>> # metadata >>> s.meta.title = 'my title' # doctest: +SKIP >>> = 'John Smith' # doctest: +SKIP Save all objects >>>'output.h5') # doctest: +SKIP Save only some objects >>>'output.h5', ['a', 'b', 'arr1']) # doctest: +SKIP Update file >>> arr1, arr4 = ndtest((3, 3)), ndtest((2, 3)) # doctest: +SKIP >>> s2 = Session([('arr1', arr1), ('arr4', arr4)]) # doctest: +SKIP >>> # replace arr1 and add arr4 in file output.h5 >>>'output.h5', overwrite=False) # doctest: +SKIP """ if engine == 'auto': _, ext = os.path.splitext(fname) ext = ext.strip('.') if '.' in ext else 'csv' engine = ext_default_engine[ext] handler_cls = get_file_handler(engine) if engine == 'pandas_csv' and 'sep' in kwargs: handler = handler_cls(fname, overwrite, kwargs['sep']) else: handler = handler_cls(fname, overwrite) meta = self.meta if overwrite else None items = self.items() if names is not None: names_set = set(names) items = [(k, v) for k, v in items if k in names_set] handler.dump(meta, items, display=display, **kwargs)
def to_globals(self, names=None, depth=0, warn=True, inplace=False): r""" Create global variables out of objects in the session. Parameters ---------- names : list of str or None, optional List of names of objects to convert to globals. Defaults to all objects present in the Session. depth : int, optional depth of call stack where to create the variables. 0 is where to_globals was called, 1 the caller of to_globals, etc. Defaults to 0. warn : bool, optional Whether or not to warn the user that this method should only be used in an interactive console (see below). Defaults to True. inplace : bool, optional If True, to_globals will assume all arrays already exist and have the same axes and will replace their content instead of creating new variables. Non array variables in the session will be ignored. Defaults to False. Notes ----- This method should usually only be used in an interactive console and not in a script. Code editors are confused by this kind of manipulation and will likely consider as invalid the code using variables created in this way. Additionally, when using this method auto-completion, "show definition", "go to declaration" and other similar code editor features will probably not work for the variables created in this way and any variable derived from them. Examples -------- >>> s = Session(arr1=ndtest(3), arr2=ndtest((2, 2))) >>> s.to_globals() >>> arr1 a a0 a1 a2 0 1 2 >>> arr2 a\b b0 b1 a0 0 1 a1 2 3 """ # noinspection PyProtectedMember if warn and not is_interactive_interpreter(): warnings.warn("Session.to_globals should usually only be used in interactive consoles and not in scripts. " "Use warn=False to deactivate this warning.", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2) d = sys._getframe(depth + 1).f_globals items = self.items() if names is not None: names_set = set(names) items = [(k, v) for k, v in items if k in names_set] if inplace: for k, v in items: if k not in d: raise ValueError("'{}' not found in current namespace. Session.to_globals(inplace=True) requires " "all arrays to already exist.".format(k)) if not isinstance(v, Array): continue if not d[k].axes == v.axes: raise ValueError("Session.to_globals(inplace=True) requires the existing (destination) arrays " "to have the same axes than those stored in the session and this is not the case " "for '{}'.\nexisting: {}\nsession: {}".format(k, d[k].info, d[k][:] = v else: for k, v in items: d[k] = v
[docs] def to_pickle(self, fname, names=None, overwrite=True, display=False, **kwargs): r""" Dumps Array, Axis and Group objects from the current session to a file using pickle. WARNING: never load a pickle file (.pkl or .pickle) from an untrusted source, as it can lead to arbitrary code execution. Parameters ---------- fname : str Path for the dump. names : list of str or None, optional Names of Array/Axis/Group objects to dump. Defaults to all objects present in the Session. overwrite: bool, optional Whether or not to overwrite an existing file, if any. If False, file is updated. Defaults to True. display : bool, optional Whether or not to display which file is being worked on. Defaults to False. Examples -------- >>> # axes >>> a, b = Axis("a=a0..a2"), Axis("b=b0..b2") # doctest: +SKIP >>> # groups >>> a01 = a['a0,a1'] >> 'a01' # doctest: +SKIP >>> # arrays >>> arr1, arr2 = ndtest((a, b)), ndtest(a) # doctest: +SKIP >>> s = Session([('a', a), ('b', b), ('a01', a01), ('arr1', arr1), ('arr2', arr2)]) # doctest: +SKIP >>> # metadata >>> s.meta.title = 'my title' # doctest: +SKIP >>> = 'John Smith' # doctest: +SKIP Save all arrays >>> s.to_pickle('output.pkl') # doctest: +SKIP Save only some objects >>> s.to_pickle('output.pkl', ['a', 'b', 'arr1']) # doctest: +SKIP """, names, ext_default_engine['pkl'], overwrite, display, **kwargs)
dump = renamed_to(save, 'dump')
[docs] def to_hdf(self, fname, names=None, overwrite=True, display=False, **kwargs): r""" Dumps Array, Axis and Group objects from the current session to an HDF file. Parameters ---------- fname : str Path of the file for the dump. names : list of str or None, optional Names of Array/Axis/Group objects to dump. Defaults to all objects present in the Session. overwrite: bool, optional Whether or not to overwrite an existing file, if any. If False, file is updated. Defaults to True. display : bool, optional Whether or not to display which file is being worked on. Defaults to False. Examples -------- >>> # axes >>> a, b = Axis("a=a0..a2"), Axis("b=b0..b2") # doctest: +SKIP >>> # groups >>> a01 = a['a0,a1'] >> 'a01' # doctest: +SKIP >>> # arrays >>> arr1, arr2 = ndtest((a, b)), ndtest(a) # doctest: +SKIP >>> s = Session([('a', a), ('b', b), ('a01', a01), ('arr1', arr1), ('arr2', arr2)]) # doctest: +SKIP >>> # metadata >>> s.meta.title = 'my title' # doctest: +SKIP >>> = 'John Smith' # doctest: +SKIP Save all arrays >>> s.to_hdf('output.h5') # doctest: +SKIP Save only some objects >>> s.to_hdf('output.h5', ['a', 'b', 'arr1']) # doctest: +SKIP """, names, ext_default_engine['hdf'], overwrite, display, **kwargs)
dump_hdf = renamed_to(to_hdf, 'dump_hdf')
[docs] def to_excel(self, fname, names=None, overwrite=True, display=False, **kwargs): r""" Dumps Array objects from the current session to an Excel file. Parameters ---------- fname : str Path of the file for the dump. names : list of str or None, optional Names of Array objects to dump. Defaults to all Array objects present in the Session. overwrite: bool, optional Whether or not to overwrite an existing file, if any. If False, file is updated. Defaults to True. display : bool, optional Whether or not to display which file is being worked on. Defaults to False. Notes ----- - each array is saved in a separate sheet - all session metadata is saved in the same sheet named __metadata__ Examples -------- >>> # axes >>> a, b = Axis("a=a0..a2"), Axis("b=b0..b2") # doctest: +SKIP >>> # groups >>> a01 = a['a0,a1'] >> 'a01' # doctest: +SKIP >>> # arrays >>> arr1, arr2 = ndtest((a, b)), ndtest(a) # doctest: +SKIP >>> s = Session([('a', a), ('b', b), ('a01', a01), ('arr1', arr1), ('arr2', arr2)]) # doctest: +SKIP >>> # metadata >>> s.meta.title = 'my title' # doctest: +SKIP >>> = 'John Smith' # doctest: +SKIP Save all arrays >>> s.to_excel('output.xlsx') # doctest: +SKIP Save only some objects >>> s.to_excel('output.xlsx', ['a', 'b', 'arr1']) # doctest: +SKIP """, names, ext_default_engine['xlsx'], overwrite, display, **kwargs)
dump_excel = renamed_to(to_excel, 'dump_excel')
[docs] def to_csv(self, fname, names=None, display=False, **kwargs): r""" Dumps Array objects from the current session to CSV files. Parameters ---------- fname : str Path for the directory that will contain CSV files. names : list of str or None, optional Names of Array objects to dump. Defaults to all Array objects present in the Session. display : bool, optional Whether or not to display which file is being worked on. Defaults to False. Notes ----- - each array is saved in a separate file - all session metadata is saved in the same CSV file named __metadata__.csv Examples -------- >>> # axes >>> a, b = Axis("a=a0..a2"), Axis("b=b0..b2") # doctest: +SKIP >>> # groups >>> a01 = a['a0,a1'] >> 'a01' # doctest: +SKIP >>> # arrays >>> arr1, arr2 = ndtest((a, b)), ndtest(a) # doctest: +SKIP >>> s = Session([('a', a), ('b', b), ('a01', a01), ('arr1', arr1), ('arr2', arr2)]) # doctest: +SKIP >>> # metadata >>> s.meta.title = 'my title' # doctest: +SKIP >>> = 'John Smith' # doctest: +SKIP Save all arrays >>> s.to_csv('./Output') # doctest: +SKIP Save only some arrays >>> s.to_csv('./Output', ['a', 'b', 'arr1']) # doctest: +SKIP """, names, ext_default_engine['csv'], display=display, **kwargs)
dump_csv = renamed_to(to_csv, 'dump_csv')
[docs] def filter(self, pattern=None, kind=None): r""" Returns a new session with objects which match some criteria. Parameters ---------- pattern : str, optional Only keep arrays whose key match `pattern`. - `?` matches any single character - `*` matches any number of characters - [seq] matches any character in seq - [!seq] matches any character not in seq kind : (tuple of) type, optional Only keep objects which are instances of type(s) `kind`. Returns ------- Session The filtered session. Examples -------- >>> axis = Axis('a=a0..a2') >>> group = axis['a0,a1'] >> 'a01' >>> test1, zero1 = ndtest((2, 2)), zeros((3, 2)) >>> s = Session([('test1', test1), ('zero1', zero1), ('axis', axis), ('group', group)]) Filter using a pattern argument >>> # get all items with names ending with '1' >>> s.filter(pattern='*1').names ['test1', 'zero1'] >>> # get all items with names starting with letter in range a-k >>> s.filter(pattern='[a-k]*').names ['axis', 'group'] Filter using kind argument >>> s.filter(kind=Axis).names ['axis'] >>> s.filter(kind=(Axis, Group)).names ['axis', 'group'] """ items = self._objects.items() if pattern is not None: regex = fnmatch.translate(pattern) match = re.compile(regex).match items = [(k, v) for k, v in items if match(k)] if kind is not None: items = [(k, v) for k, v in items if isinstance(v, kind)] return Session(items)
@property def names(self): r""" Returns the list of names of the objects in the session. The list is sorted alphabetically and does not follow the internal order. Returns ------- list of str See Also -------- Session.keys Examples -------- >>> axis1 = Axis("a=a0..a2") >>> group1 = axis1['a0,a1'] >> 'a01' >>> arr1, arr2 = ndtest((2, 2)), ndtest(4) >>> s = Session([('arr2', arr2), ('arr1', arr1), ('group1', group1), ('axis1', axis1)]) >>> # print array's names in the alphabetical order >>> s.names ['arr1', 'arr2', 'axis1', 'group1'] >>> # keys() follows the internal order >>> list(s.keys()) ['arr2', 'arr1', 'group1', 'axis1'] """ return sorted(self._objects.keys())
[docs] def copy(self): r"""Returns a copy of the session. """ # this actually *does* a copy of the internal mapping (the mapping is not reused-as is) return Session(self._objects)
[docs] def keys(self): r""" Returns a view on the session's keys. Returns ------- View on the session's keys. See Also -------- Session.names Examples -------- >>> axis1 = Axis("a=a0..a2") >>> group1 = axis1['a0,a1'] >> 'a01' >>> arr1, arr2 = ndtest((2, 2)), ndtest(4) >>> s = Session([('arr2', arr2), ('arr1', arr1), ('group1', group1), ('axis1', axis1)]) >>> # similar to names by follows the internal order >>> list(s.keys()) ['arr2', 'arr1', 'group1', 'axis1'] >>> # gives the names of objects in alphabetical order >>> s.names ['arr1', 'arr2', 'axis1', 'group1'] """ return self._objects.keys()
[docs] def values(self): r""" Returns a view on the session's values. Returns ------- View on the session's values. Examples -------- >>> axis1 = Axis("a=a0..a2") >>> group1 = axis1['a0,a1'] >> 'a01' >>> arr1, arr2 = ndtest((2, 2)), ndtest(4) >>> s = Session([('arr2', arr2), ('arr1', arr1), ('group1', group1), ('axis1', axis1)]) >>> # assuming you know the order of objects stored in the session >>> arr2, arr1, group1, axis1 = s.values() >>> # otherwise, prefer the following syntax >>> arr1, arr2, axis1, group1 = s['arr1', 'arr2', 'axis1', 'group1'] >>> arr1 a\b b0 b1 a0 0 1 a1 2 3 >>> axis1 Axis(['a0', 'a1', 'a2'], 'a') """ return self._objects.values()
[docs] def items(self): r""" Returns a view of the session’s items ((key, value) pairs). Returns ------- View on the session's items. Examples -------- >>> axis1 = Axis("a=a0..a2") >>> group1 = axis1['a0,a1'] >> 'a01' >>> arr1, arr2 = ndtest((2, 2)), ndtest(4) >>> # make the test pass on both Windows and Linux >>> arr1, arr2 = arr1.astype(np.int64), arr2.astype(np.int64) >>> s = Session([('arr2', arr2), ('arr1', arr1), ('group1', group1), ('axis1', axis1)]) >>> for k, v in s.items(): ... print("{}: {}".format(k, if isinstance(v, Array) else repr(v))) arr2: 4 a [4]: 'a0' 'a1' 'a2' 'a3' dtype: int64 memory used: 32 bytes arr1: 2 x 2 a [2]: 'a0' 'a1' b [2]: 'b0' 'b1' dtype: int64 memory used: 32 bytes group1: a['a0', 'a1'] >> 'a01' axis1: Axis(['a0', 'a1', 'a2'], 'a') """ return self._objects.items()
def __repr__(self): return 'Session({})'.format(', '.join(self.keys())) def __len__(self): return len(self._objects) # binary operations are dispatched element-wise to all arrays (we consider Session as an array-like) def _binop(opname, arrays_only=True): opfullname = '__%s__' % opname def opmethod(self, other): self_keys = set(self.keys()) all_keys = list(self.keys()) if not isinstance(other, Array) and hasattr(other, 'keys'): all_keys += [n for n in other.keys() if n not in self_keys] with np.errstate(call=_session_float_error_handler): res = [] for name in all_keys: self_item = self.get(name, nan) other_operand = other.get(name, nan) if hasattr(other, 'get') else other if arrays_only and not isinstance(self_item, Array): res_item = self_item else: try: res_item = getattr(self_item, opfullname)(other_operand) # TypeError for str arrays, ValueError for incompatible axes, ... except Exception: res_item = nan # this should only ever happen when self_array is a non Array (eg. nan) if res_item is NotImplemented: try: res_item = getattr(other_operand, '__%s__' % inverseop(opname))(self_item) # TypeError for str arrays, ValueError for incompatible axes, ... except Exception: res_item = nan res.append((name, res_item)) return Session(res) opmethod.__name__ = opfullname return opmethod __add__ = _binop('add') __radd__ = _binop('radd') __sub__ = _binop('sub') __rsub__ = _binop('rsub') __mul__ = _binop('mul') __rmul__ = _binop('rmul') __truediv__ = _binop('truediv') __rtruediv__ = _binop('rtruediv') __eq__ = _binop('eq', arrays_only=False) __ne__ = _binop('ne', arrays_only=False) # element-wise method factory # unary operations are (also) dispatched element-wise to all arrays def _unaryop(opname): opfullname = '__%s__' % opname def opmethod(self): with np.errstate(call=_session_float_error_handler): res = [] for k, v in self.items(): try: res_array = getattr(v, opfullname)() except Exception: res_array = nan res.append((k, res_array)) return Session(res) opmethod.__name__ = opfullname return opmethod __neg__ = _unaryop('neg') __pos__ = _unaryop('pos') __abs__ = _unaryop('abs') __invert__ = _unaryop('invert')
[docs] def element_equals(self, other): r"""Test if each element (group, axis and array) of the current session equals the corresponding element of another session. For arrays, it is equivalent to apply :py:meth:`Array.equals` with flag nans_equal=True to all arrays from two sessions. Parameters ---------- other : Session Session to compare with. Returns ------- Boolean Array Notes ----- Metadata is ignored. See Also -------- Session.equals Examples -------- >>> a = Axis('a=a0..a2') >>> a01 = a['a0,a1'] >> 'a01' >>> s1 = Session([('a', a), ('a01', a01), ('arr1', ndtest(2)), ('arr2', ndtest((2, 2)))]) >>> s2 = Session([('a', a), ('a01', a01), ('arr1', ndtest(2)), ('arr2', ndtest((2, 2)))]) Identical sessions >>> s1.element_equals(s2) name a a01 arr1 arr2 True True True True Different value(s) between two arrays >>> s2.arr1['a1'] = 0 >>> s1.element_equals(s2) name a a01 arr1 arr2 True True False True Different label(s) >>> s2.arr2 = ndtest("b=b0,b1; a=a0,a1") >>> s2.a = Axis('a=a0,a1') >>> s1.element_equals(s2) name a a01 arr1 arr2 False True False False Extra/missing objects >>> s2.arr3 = ndtest((3, 3)) >>> del s2.a >>> s1.element_equals(s2) name a a01 arr1 arr2 arr3 False True False False False """ supported_objects = (Axis, Group, Array) self_keys = [k for k, v in self.items() if isinstance(v, supported_objects)] other_keys = [k for k, v in other.items() if isinstance(v, supported_objects) and k not in self_keys] all_keys = self_keys + other_keys def elem_equal(e1, e2): if type(e1) is not type(e2): return False if isinstance(e1, (Group, Axis)): return e1.equals(e2) else: return e1.equals(e2, nans_equal=True) res = [elem_equal(self.get(key), other.get(key)) for key in all_keys] return Array(res, [Axis(all_keys, 'name')])
array_equals = renamed_to(element_equals, 'array_equals')
[docs] def equals(self, other): r"""Test if all elements (groups, axes and arrays) of the current session are equal to those of another session. Parameters ---------- other : Session Session to compare with. Returns ------- True if elements of both sessions are all equal, False otherwise. Notes ----- Metadata is ignored. See Also -------- Session.element_equals Examples -------- >>> a = Axis('a=a0..a2') >>> a01 = a['a0,a1'] >> 'a01' >>> s1 = Session([('a', a), ('a01', a01), ('arr1', ndtest(2)), ('arr2', ndtest((2, 2)))]) >>> s2 = Session([('a', a), ('a01', a01), ('arr1', ndtest(2)), ('arr2', ndtest((2, 2)))]) Identical sessions >>> s1.equals(s2) True Different value(s) between two arrays >>> s2.arr1['a1'] = 0 >>> s1.equals(s2) False Different label(s) >>> s2.arr2 = ndtest("b=b0,b1; a=a0,a1") >>> s2.a = Axis('a=a0,a1') >>> s1.equals(s2) False Extra/missing axis(es), group(s), array(s) >>> s2.arr3 = ndtest((3, 3)) >>> del s2.a >>> s1.equals(s2) False """ return all(self.element_equals(other))
[docs] def transpose(self, *args): r"""Reorder axes of arrays in session, ignoring missing axes for each array. Parameters ---------- *args Accepts either a tuple of axes specs or axes specs as `*args`. Omitted axes keep their order. Use ... to avoid specifying intermediate axes. Axes missing in an array are ignored. Returns ------- Session Session with each array with reordered axes where appropriate. See Also -------- Array.transpose Examples -------- Let us create a test session and a small helper function to display sessions as a short summary. >>> arr1 = ndtest((2, 2, 2)) >>> arr2 = ndtest((2, 2)) >>> sess = Session([('arr1', arr1), ('arr2', arr2)]) >>> def print_summary(s): ... print(s.summary({Array: "{key} -> {axes_names}"})) >>> print_summary(sess) arr1 -> a, b, c arr2 -> a, b Put 'b' axis in front of all arrays >>> print_summary(sess.transpose('b')) arr1 -> b, a, c arr2 -> b, a Axes missing on an array are ignored ('c' for arr2 in this case) >>> print_summary(sess.transpose('c', 'b')) arr1 -> c, b, a arr2 -> b, a Use ... to move axes to the end >>> print_summary(sess.transpose(..., 'a')) # doctest: +SKIP arr1 -> b, c, a arr2 -> b, a """ def lenient_transpose(v, axes): # filter out axes not in arr.axes return v.transpose([a for a in axes if a in v.axes or a is Ellipsis]) return self.apply(lenient_transpose, args)
[docs] def compact(self, display=False): r""" Detects and removes "useless" axes (ie axes for which values are constant over the whole axis) for all array objects in session Parameters ---------- display : bool, optional Whether or not to display a message for each array that is compacted Returns ------- Session A new session containing all compacted arrays Examples -------- >>> arr1 = sequence('b=b0..b2', ndtest(3), zeros_like(ndtest(3))) >>> arr1 a\b b0 b1 b2 a0 0 0 0 a1 1 1 1 a2 2 2 2 >>> compact_ses = Session(arr1=arr1).compact(display=True) arr1 was constant over {b} >>> compact_ses.arr1 a a0 a1 a2 0 1 2 """ new_items = [] for k, v in self._objects.items(): compacted = v.compact() if compacted is not v and display: print(k, "was constant over", get_axes(v) - get_axes(compacted)) new_items.append((k, compacted)) return Session(new_items)
[docs] def apply(self, func, *args, **kwargs): r""" Apply function `func` on elements of the session and return a new session. Parameters ---------- func : function Function to apply to each element of the session. It should take a single `element` argument and return a single value. *args : any Any extra arguments are passed to the function kind : type or tuple of types, optional Type(s) of elements `func` will be applied to. Other elements will be left intact. Use ´kind=object´ to apply to all kinds of objects. Defaults to Array. **kwargs : any Any extra keyword arguments are passed to the function Returns ------- Session A new session containing all processed elements Examples -------- >>> arr1 = ndtest(2) >>> arr1 a a0 a1 0 1 >>> arr2 = ndtest(3) >>> arr2 a a0 a1 a2 0 1 2 >>> sess1 = Session([('arr1', arr1), ('arr2', arr2)]) >>> sess1 Session(arr1, arr2) >>> def increment(array): ... return array + 1 >>> sess2 = sess1.apply(increment) >>> sess2.arr1 a a0 a1 1 2 >>> sess2.arr2 a a0 a1 a2 1 2 3 You may also pass extra arguments or keyword arguments to the function >>> def change(array, increment=1, multiplier=1): ... return (array + increment) * multiplier >>> sess2 = sess1.apply(change, 2, 2) >>> sess2 = sess1.apply(change, 2, multiplier=2) >>> sess2.arr1 a a0 a1 4 6 >>> sess2.arr2 a a0 a1 a2 4 6 8 """ kind = kwargs.pop('kind', Array) return Session([(k, func(v, *args, **kwargs) if isinstance(v, kind) else v) for k, v in self.items()])
[docs] def summary(self, template=None): """ Returns a summary of the content of the session. Parameters ---------- template: dict {object type: str} or dict {object type: func} Template describing how items and metadata are summarized. For each object type, it is possible to provide either a string template or a function taking the the key and value of a session item as parameters and returning a string (see examples). A string template contains specific arguments written inside brackets {}. Available arguments are: - for groups: 'key', 'name', 'axis_name', 'labels' and 'length', - for axes: 'key', 'name', 'labels' and 'length', - for arrays: 'key', 'axes_names', 'shape', 'dtype' and 'title', - for session metadata: 'key', 'value', - for all other types: 'key', 'value'. Returns ------- str Short representation of the content of the session. Examples -------- >>> axis1 = Axis("a=a0..a2") >>> group1 = axis1['a0,a1'] >> 'a01' >>> arr1 = ndtest((2, 2), dtype=np.int64, meta=[('title', 'array 1')]) >>> arr2 = ndtest(4, dtype=np.int64, meta=[('title', 'array 2')]) >>> arr3 = ndtest((3, 2), dtype=np.int64, meta=[('title', 'array 3')]) >>> s = Session([('axis1', axis1), ('group1', group1), ('arr1', arr1), ('arr2', arr2), ('arr3', arr3)]) >>> s.meta.title = 'my title' >>> = 'John Smith' Default template >>> print(s.summary()) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Metadata: title: my title author: John Smith axis1: a ['a0' 'a1' 'a2'] (3) group1: a['a0', 'a1'] >> a01 (2) arr1: a, b (2 x 2) [int64] arr2: a (4) [int64] arr3: a, b (3 x 2) [int64] Using a specific template >>> def print_array(key, array): ... axes_names = ', '.join(array.axes.display_names) ... shape = ' x '.join(str(i) for i in array.shape) ... return "{} -> {} ({})\\n title = {}\\n dtype = {}".format(key, axes_names, shape, ... array.meta.title, array.dtype) >>> template = {Axis: "{key} -> {name} [{labels}] ({length})", ... Group: "{key} -> {name}: {axis_name}{labels} ({length})", ... Array: print_array, ... Metadata: "\\t{key} -> {value}"} >>> print(s.summary(template)) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Metadata: title -> my title author -> John Smith axis1 -> a ['a0' 'a1' 'a2'] (3) group1 -> a01: a['a0', 'a1'] (2) arr1 -> a, b (2 x 2) title = array 1 dtype = int64 arr2 -> a (4) title = array 2 dtype = int64 arr3 -> a, b (3 x 2) title = array 3 dtype = int64 """ if template is None: template = {} if Axis not in template: template[Axis] = "{key}: {name} [{labels}] ({length})" if Group not in template: template[Group] = "{key}: {axis_name}{labels} >> {name} ({length})" if Array not in template: template[Array] = "{key}: {axes_names} ({shape}) [{dtype}]" if Metadata not in template: template[Metadata] = "\t{key}: {value}" def display(k, v, is_metadata=False): if not is_metadata: t = Group if isinstance(v, Group) else type(v) tmpl = template.get(t, "{key}: {value}") else: tmpl = template[Metadata] if not (isinstance(tmpl, basestring) or callable(tmpl)): raise TypeError("Expected a string template or a function for type {}. " "Got {}".format(type(v), type(tmpl))) if isinstance(tmpl, basestring): if isinstance(v, Axis): return tmpl.format(key=k,, labels=v.labels_summary(), length=len(v)) elif isinstance(v, Group): return tmpl.format(key=k,,, labels=v.key, length=len(v)) elif isinstance(v, Array): return tmpl.format(key=k, axes_names=', '.join(v.axes.display_names), shape=' x '.join(str(i) for i in v.shape), dtype=v.dtype) else: return tmpl.format(key=k, value=str(v)) else: return tmpl(k, v) res = '' if len(self.meta) > 0: res = 'Metadata:\n' res += '\n'.join(display(k, v, True) for k, v in self.meta.items()) + '\n' res += '\n'.join(display(k, v) for k, v in self.items()) return res
def _exclude_private_vars(vars_dict): return {k: v for k, v in vars_dict.items() if not k.startswith('_')}
[docs]def local_arrays(depth=0, include_private=False, meta=None): r""" Returns a session containing all local arrays sorted in alphabetical order. Parameters ---------- depth: int depth of call frame to inspect. 0 is where `local_arrays` was called, 1 the caller of `local_arrays`, etc. include_private: boolean, optional Whether or not to include private local arrays (i.e. arrays starting with `_`). Defaults to False. meta : list of pairs or dict or OrderedDict or Metadata, optional Metadata (title, description, author, creation_date, ...) associated with the array. Keys must be strings. Values must be of type string, int, float, date, time or datetime. Returns ------- Session """ # noinspection PyProtectedMember d = sys._getframe(depth + 1).f_locals if not include_private: d = _exclude_private_vars(d) return Session([(k, d[k]) for k in sorted(d.keys()) if isinstance(d[k], Array)], meta=meta)
[docs]def global_arrays(depth=0, include_private=False, meta=None): r""" Returns a session containing all global arrays sorted in alphabetical order. Parameters ---------- depth: int depth of call frame to inspect. 0 is where `global_arrays` was called, 1 the caller of `global_arrays`, etc. include_private: boolean, optional Whether or not to include private globals arrays (i.e. arrays starting with `_`). Defaults to False. meta : list of pairs or dict or OrderedDict or Metadata, optional Metadata (title, description, author, creation_date, ...) associated with the array. Keys must be strings. Values must be of type string, int, float, date, time or datetime. Returns ------- Session """ # noinspection PyProtectedMember d = sys._getframe(depth + 1).f_globals if not include_private: d = _exclude_private_vars(d) return Session([(k, d[k]) for k in sorted(d.keys()) if isinstance(d[k], Array)], meta=meta)
[docs]def arrays(depth=0, include_private=False, meta=None): r""" Returns a session containing all available arrays (whether they are defined in local or global variables) sorted in alphabetical order. Local arrays take precedence over global ones (if a name corresponds to both a local and a global variable, the local array will be returned). Parameters ---------- depth: int depth of call frame to inspect. 0 is where `arrays` was called, 1 the caller of `arrays`, etc. include_private: boolean, optional Whether or not to include private arrays (i.e. arrays starting with `_`). Defaults to False. meta : list of pairs or dict or OrderedDict or Metadata, optional Metadata (title, description, author, creation_date, ...) associated with the array. Keys must be strings. Values must be of type string, int, float, date, time or datetime. Returns ------- Session """ # noinspection PyProtectedMember caller_frame = sys._getframe(depth + 1) global_vars = caller_frame.f_globals local_vars = caller_frame.f_locals if not include_private: global_vars = _exclude_private_vars(global_vars) local_vars = _exclude_private_vars(local_vars) # We must first get all variables *then* filter by type, otherwise we could return a global array which is not # currently available because it is shadowed by a local non-array variable. all_keys = sorted(set(global_vars.keys()) | set(local_vars.keys())) combined_vars = [(k, local_vars[k] if k in local_vars else global_vars[k]) for k in all_keys] return Session([(k, v) for k, v in combined_vars if isinstance(v, Array)], meta=meta)
_session_float_error_handler = float_error_handler_factory(4)