
Session.to_hdf(self, fname, names=None, overwrite=True, display=False, **kwargs)[source]

Dumps Array, Axis and Group objects from the current session to an HDF file.


Path of the file for the dump.

nameslist of str or None, optional

Names of Array/Axis/Group objects to dump. Defaults to all objects present in the Session.

overwrite: bool, optional

Whether or not to overwrite an existing file, if any. If False, file is updated. Defaults to True.

displaybool, optional

Whether or not to display which file is being worked on. Defaults to False.


>>> # axes
>>> a, b = Axis("a=a0..a2"), Axis("b=b0..b2")    
>>> # groups
>>> a01 = a['a0,a1'] >> 'a01'                    
>>> # arrays
>>> arr1, arr2 = ndtest((a, b)), ndtest(a)       
>>> s = Session([('a', a), ('b', b), ('a01', a01), ('arr1', arr1), ('arr2', arr2)])  
>>> # metadata
>>> s.meta.title = 'my title'                    
>>> = 'John Smith'                 

Save all arrays

>>> s.to_hdf('output.h5')  

Save only some objects

>>> s.to_hdf('output.h5', ['a', 'b', 'arr1'])