- AxisCollection.without(axes) AxisCollection [source]
Return a new collection without some axes.
You can use a comma separated list of names.
- Parameters
- axesint, str, Axis or sequence of those
Axes to not include in the returned AxisCollection. In case of string, axes are separated by a comma and no whitespace is accepted.
- Returns
- AxisCollection
New collection without some axes.
Set operation so axes can contain axes not present in self
>>> age = Axis('age=0..5') >>> sex = Axis('sex=M,F') >>> time = Axis('time=2015..2017') >>> col = AxisCollection([age, sex, time]) >>> col.without([age, sex]) AxisCollection([ Axis([2015, 2016, 2017], 'time') ]) >>> col.without(0) AxisCollection([ Axis(['M', 'F'], 'sex'), Axis([2015, 2016, 2017], 'time') ]) >>> col.without('sex,time') AxisCollection([ Axis([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 'age') ])