
Array.reindex(axes_to_reindex=None, new_axis=None, fill_value=nan, inplace=False, **kwargs) Array[source]

Reorder and/or add new labels in axes.

Place NaN or given fill_value in locations having no value previously.

axes_to_reindexaxis ref or dict {axis ref: axis} or list of (axis ref, axis) or sequence of Axis

Axis(es) to reindex. If a single axis reference is given, the new_axis argument must be provided. If string, Group or Axis object, the corresponding axis is reindexed if found among existing, otherwise a new axis is added. If a list of Axis or an AxisCollection is given, existing axes are reindexed while missing ones are added.

new_axisint, str, list/tuple/array of str, Group or Axis, optional

List of new labels or new axis if axes_to_reindex contains a single axis reference.

fill_valuescalar or Array, optional

Value used to fill cells corresponding to label combinations which were not present before reindexing. Defaults to NaN.

inplacebool, optional

Whether to modify the original object or return a new array and leave the original intact. Defaults to False.


New axis for each axis to reindex given as a keyword argument.


Array with reindexed axes.


When introducing NaNs into an array containing integers via reindex, all data will be promoted to float in order to store the NaNs.


>>> arr = ndtest((2, 2))
>>> arr
a\b  b0  b1
 a0   0   1
 a1   2   3
>>> arr2 = ndtest('a=a1,a2;c=c0;b=b2..b0')
>>> arr2
 a  c\b  b2  b1  b0
a1   c0   0   1   2
a2   c0   3   4   5

Reindex an axis by passing labels (list or string)

>>> arr.reindex('b', ['b1', 'b2', 'b0'])
a\b   b1   b2   b0
 a0  1.0  nan  0.0
 a1  3.0  nan  2.0
>>> arr.reindex('b', 'b0..b2', fill_value=-1)
a\b  b0  b1  b2
 a0   0   1  -1
 a1   2   3  -1
>>> arr.reindex(b='b=b0..b2', fill_value=-1)
a\b  b0  b1  b2
 a0   0   1  -1
 a1   2   3  -1

Reindex using an axis from another array

>>> arr.reindex('b', arr2.b, fill_value=-1)
a\b  b2  b1  b0
 a0  -1   1   0
 a1  -1   3   2

Reindex using a subset of an axis

>>> arr.reindex('b', arr2.b['b1':], fill_value=-1)
a\b  b1  b0
 a0   1   0
 a1   3   2

Reindex by passing an axis or a group

>>> arr.reindex('b=b2..b0', fill_value=-1)
a\b  b2  b1  b0
 a0  -1   1   0
 a1  -1   3   2
>>> arr.reindex(arr2.b, fill_value=-1)
a\b  b2  b1  b0
 a0  -1   1   0
 a1  -1   3   2
>>> arr.reindex(arr2.b['b1':], fill_value=-1)
a\b  b1  b0
 a0   1   0
 a1   3   2

Reindex several axes

>>> arr.reindex({'a': arr2.a, 'b': arr2.b}, fill_value=-1)
a\b  b2  b1  b0
 a1  -1   3   2
 a2  -1  -1  -1
>>> arr.reindex({'a': arr2.a, 'b': arr2.b['b1':]}, fill_value=-1)
a\b  b1  b0
 a1   3   2
 a2  -1  -1
>>> arr.reindex(a=arr2.a, b=arr2.b, fill_value=-1)
a\b  b2  b1  b0
 a1  -1   3   2
 a2  -1  -1  -1

Reindex by passing a collection of axes

>>> arr.reindex(arr2.axes, fill_value=-1)
 a  b\c  c0
a1   b2  -1
a1   b1   3
a1   b0   2
a2   b2  -1
a2   b1  -1
a2   b0  -1
>>> arr2.reindex(arr.axes, fill_value=-1)
 a  c\b  b0  b1
a0   c0  -1  -1
a1   c0   2   1