
Array.isin(test_values, assume_unique=False, invert=False) Array[source]

Compute whether each element of this array is in test_values. Return a boolean array of the same shape as this array that is True where the array element is in test_values and False otherwise.

test_valuesarray_like or set

The values against which to test each element of this array. If test_values is not a 1D array, it will be converted to one.

assume_uniquebool, optional

If True, this array and test_values are both assumed to be unique, which can speed up the calculation. Defaults to False.

invertbool, optional

If True, the values in the returned array are inverted, as if calculating element not in test_values. Defaults to False. isin(a, b, invert=True) is equivalent to (but faster than) ~isin(a, b).


boolean array of the same shape as this array that is True where the array element is in test_values and False otherwise.


>>> arr = ndtest((2, 3))
>>> arr
a\b  b0  b1  b2
 a0   0   1   2
 a1   3   4   5
>>> arr.isin([1, 5, 7])
a\b     b0     b1     b2
 a0  False   True  False
 a1  False  False   True
>>> arr[arr.isin([1, 5, 7])]
a_b  a0_b1  a1_b2
         1      5