
Array.align(other, join='outer', fill_value=nan, axes=None) Tuple[Array, Array][source]

Align two arrays on their axes with the specified join method.

In other words, it ensure all common axes are compatible. Those arrays can then be used in binary operations.

join{‘outer’, ‘inner’, ‘left’, ‘right’, ‘exact’}, optional
Join method. For each axis common to both arrays:
  • outer: will use a label if it is in either arrays axis (ordered like the first array).

    This is the default as it results in no information loss.

  • inner: will use a label if it is in both arrays axis (ordered like the first array).

  • left: will use the first array axis labels.

  • right: will use the other array axis labels.

  • exact: instead of aligning, raise an error when axes to be aligned are not equal.

fill_valuescalar or Array, optional

Value used to fill cells corresponding to label combinations which are not common to both arrays. Defaults to NaN.

axesAxisReference or sequence of them, optional

Axes to align. Need to be valid in both arrays. Defaults to None (all common axes). This must be specified when mixing anonymous and non-anonymous axes.

(left, right)(Array, Array)

Aligned objects


Arrays with anonymous axes are currently not supported.


>>> arr1 = ndtest((2, 3))
>>> arr1
a\b  b0  b1  b2
 a0   0   1   2
 a1   3   4   5
>>> arr2 = -ndtest((3, 2))
>>> # reorder array to make the test more interesting
>>> arr2 = arr2[['b1', 'b0']]
>>> arr2
a\b  b1  b0
 a0  -1   0
 a1  -3  -2
 a2  -5  -4

Align arr1 and arr2

>>> aligned1, aligned2 = arr1.align(arr2)
>>> aligned1
a\b   b0   b1   b2
 a0  0.0  1.0  2.0
 a1  3.0  4.0  5.0
 a2  nan  nan  nan
>>> aligned2
a\b    b0    b1   b2
 a0   0.0  -1.0  nan
 a1  -2.0  -3.0  nan
 a2  -4.0  -5.0  nan

After aligning all common axes, one can then do operations between the two arrays

>>> aligned1 + aligned2
a\b   b0   b1   b2
 a0  0.0  0.0  nan
 a1  1.0  1.0  nan
 a2  nan  nan  nan

Other kinds of joins are supported

>>> aligned1, aligned2 = arr1.align(arr2, join='inner')
>>> aligned1
a\b   b0   b1
 a0  0.0  1.0
 a1  3.0  4.0
>>> aligned2
a\b    b0    b1
 a0   0.0  -1.0
 a1  -2.0  -3.0
>>> aligned1, aligned2 = arr1.align(arr2, join='left')
>>> aligned1
a\b   b0   b1   b2
 a0  0.0  1.0  2.0
 a1  3.0  4.0  5.0
>>> aligned2
a\b    b0    b1   b2
 a0   0.0  -1.0  nan
 a1  -2.0  -3.0  nan
>>> aligned1, aligned2 = arr1.align(arr2, join='right')
>>> aligned1
a\b   b1   b0
 a0  1.0  0.0
 a1  4.0  3.0
 a2  nan  nan
>>> aligned2
a\b    b1    b0
 a0  -1.0   0.0
 a1  -3.0  -2.0
 a2  -5.0  -4.0

The fill value for missing labels defaults to nan but can be changed to any compatible value.

>>> aligned1, aligned2 = arr1.align(arr2, fill_value=0)
>>> aligned1
a\b  b0  b1  b2
 a0   0   1   2
 a1   3   4   5
 a2   0   0   0
>>> aligned2
a\b  b0  b1  b2
 a0   0  -1   0
 a1  -2  -3   0
 a2  -4  -5   0
>>> aligned1 + aligned2
a\b  b0  b1  b2
 a0   0   0   2
 a1   1   1   5
 a2  -4  -5   0

It also works when either arrays (or both) have extra axes

>>> arr3 = ndtest((3, 2, 2))
>>> arr1
a\b  b0  b1  b2
 a0   0   1   2
 a1   3   4   5
>>> arr3
 a  b\c  c0  c1
a0   b0   0   1
a0   b1   2   3
a1   b0   4   5
a1   b1   6   7
a2   b0   8   9
a2   b1  10  11
>>> aligned1, aligned2 = arr1.align(arr3, join='inner')
>>> aligned1
a\b   b0   b1
 a0  0.0  1.0
 a1  3.0  4.0
>>> aligned2
 a  b\c   c0   c1
a0   b0  0.0  1.0
a0   b1  2.0  3.0
a1   b0  4.0  5.0
a1   b1  6.0  7.0
>>> aligned1 + aligned2
 a  b\c    c0    c1
a0   b0   0.0   1.0
a0   b1   3.0   4.0
a1   b0   7.0   8.0
a1   b1  10.0  11.0

One can also align only some specific axes (but in that case arrays might not be compatible)

>>> aligned1, aligned2 = arr1.align(arr2, axes='b')
>>> aligned1
a\b   b0   b1   b2
 a0  0.0  1.0  2.0
 a1  3.0  4.0  5.0
>>> aligned2
a\b    b0    b1   b2
 a0   0.0  -1.0  nan
 a1  -2.0  -3.0  nan
 a2  -4.0  -5.0  nan

Test if two arrays are aligned

>>> arr1.align(arr2, join='exact')   
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Both arrays are not aligned because align method with join='exact'
expected Axis(['a0', 'a1'], 'a') to be equal to Axis(['a0', 'a1', 'a2'], 'a')