API Reference


Axis(labels[, name]) Represents an axis.


Axis.name Name of the axis. None in the case of an anonymous axis.
Axis.labels Labels of the axis.
Axis.labels_summary Short representation of the labels.
Axis.dtype Data type for the axis labels.


Axis.copy() Returns a copy of the axis.


Axis.index(key) Translates a label key to its numerical index counterpart.
Axis.containing(substring) Returns a group with all the labels containing the specified substring.
Axis.startingwith(prefix) Returns a group with the labels starting with the specified string.
Axis.endingwith(suffix) Returns a group with the labels ending with the specified string.
Axis.matching([deprecated, pattern, regex]) Returns a group with all the labels matching the specified pattern or regular expression.
Axis.min() Get minimum of labels.
Axis.max() Get maximum of labels.


Axis.__getitem__(key) Returns a group (list or unique element) of label(s) usable in .sum or .filter
Axis.i Allows to define a subset using positions along the axis instead of labels.
Axis.by(length[, step, template]) Split axis into several groups of specified length.
Axis.rename(name) Renames the axis.
Axis.subaxis(key) Returns an axis for a sub-array.
Axis.extend(labels) Append new labels to an axis or increase its length in case of wildcard axis.
Axis.insert(new_labels[, before, after]) Return a new axis with new_labels inserted before before or after after.
Axis.replace(old[, new]) Returns a new axis with some labels replaced.
Axis.apply(func) Returns a new axis with the labels transformed by func.
Axis.union(other) Returns axis with the union of this axis labels and other labels.
Axis.intersection(other) Returns axis with the (set) intersection of this axis labels and other labels.
Axis.difference(other) Returns axis with the (set) difference of this axis labels and other labels.
Axis.align(other[, join]) Align axis with other object using specified join method.
Axis.split([sep, names, regex, return_labels]) Split axis and returns a list of Axis.
Axis.ignore_labels() Returns a wildcard axis with the same name and length than this axis.
Axis.astype(dtype, numpy.dtype], casting) Cast labels to a specified type.


Axis.iscompatible(other) Checks if self is compatible with another axis.
Axis.equals(other) Checks if self is equal to another axis.


Axis.to_hdf(filepath[, key]) Writes axis to a HDF file.



IGroup(key[, name, axis]) Index Group.
IGroup.named(name) Returns group with a different name.
IGroup.with_axis(axis) Returns group with a different axis.
IGroup.by(length[, step, template]) Split group into several groups of specified length.
IGroup.equals(other) Checks if this group is equal to another group.
IGroup.translate([bound, stop]) compute position(s) of group
IGroup.union(other) Returns (set) union of this label group and other.
IGroup.intersection(other) Returns (set) intersection of this label group and other.
IGroup.difference(other) Returns (set) difference of this label group and other.
IGroup.containing(substring) Returns a group with all the labels containing the specified substring.
IGroup.startingwith(prefix) Returns a group with the labels starting with the specified string.
IGroup.endingwith(suffix) Returns a group with the labels ending with the specified string.
IGroup.matching([deprecated, pattern, regex]) Returns a group with all the labels matching the specified pattern or regular expression.
IGroup.to_hdf(filepath[, key, axis_key]) Writes group to a HDF file.


LGroup(key[, name, axis]) Label group.
LGroup.named(name) Returns group with a different name.
LGroup.with_axis(axis) Returns group with a different axis.
LGroup.by(length[, step, template]) Split group into several groups of specified length.
LGroup.equals(other) Checks if this group is equal to another group.
LGroup.translate([bound, stop]) compute position(s) of group
LGroup.union(other) Returns (set) union of this label group and other.
LGroup.intersection(other) Returns (set) intersection of this label group and other.
LGroup.difference(other) Returns (set) difference of this label group and other.
LGroup.containing(substring) Returns a group with all the labels containing the specified substring.
LGroup.startingwith(prefix) Returns a group with the labels starting with the specified string.
LGroup.endingwith(suffix) Returns a group with the labels ending with the specified string.
LGroup.matching([deprecated, pattern, regex]) Returns a group with all the labels matching the specified pattern or regular expression.
LGroup.to_hdf(filepath[, key, axis_key]) Writes group to a HDF file.


LSet(key[, name, axis]) Label set.


AxisCollection.names Returns the list of (raw) names of the axes.
AxisCollection.display_names Returns the list of (display) names of the axes.
AxisCollection.labels Returns the list of labels of the axes.
AxisCollection.shape Returns the shape of the collection.
AxisCollection.size Returns the size of the collection, i.e.
AxisCollection.info Describes the collection (shape and labels for each axis).
AxisCollection.copy() Returns a copy.


AxisCollection.keys() Returns list of all axis names.
AxisCollection.index(axis[, compatible]) Returns the index of axis.
AxisCollection.axis_id(axis) Returns the id of an axis.
AxisCollection.ids Returns the list of ids of the axes.
AxisCollection.iter_labels([axes, ascending]) Returns a view of the axes labels.


AxisCollection.get(key[, default, name]) Returns axis corresponding to key.
AxisCollection.get_by_pos(key, i) Returns axis corresponding to a key, or to position i if the key has no name and key object not found.
AxisCollection.get_all(key) Returns all axes from key if present and length 1 wildcard axes otherwise.
AxisCollection.pop([axis]) Removes and returns an axis.
AxisCollection.append(axis) Appends axis at the end of the collection.
AxisCollection.extend(axes[, validate, …]) Extends the collection by appending the axes from axes.
AxisCollection.insert(index, axis) Inserts axis before index.
AxisCollection.rename([renames, to]) Renames axes of the collection.
AxisCollection.replace([axes_to_replace, …]) Replace one, several or all axes of the collection.
AxisCollection.set_labels([axis, labels, …]) Replaces the labels of one or several axes.
AxisCollection.without(axes) Returns a new collection without some axes.
AxisCollection.combine_axes([axes, sep, …]) Combine several axes into one.
AxisCollection.split_axes([axes, sep, …]) Split axes and returns a new collection
AxisCollection.align(other[, join, axes]) Align this axis collection with another.


AxisCollection.isaxis(value) Tests if input is an Axis object or the name of an axis contained in self.
AxisCollection.check_compatible(axes) Checks if axes passed as argument are compatible with those contained in the collection.



Array(data[, axes, title, meta, dtype]) An Array object represents a multidimensional, homogeneous array of fixed-size items with labeled axes.

Array Creation Functions

sequence(axis[, initial, inc, mult, func, …]) Creates an array by sequentially applying modifications to the array along axis.
ndtest(shape_or_axes[, start, label_start, …]) Returns test array with given shape.
zeros(axes[, title, dtype, order, meta]) Returns an array with the specified axes and filled with zeros.
zeros_like(array[, title, dtype, order, meta]) Returns an array with the same axes as array and filled with zeros.
ones(axes[, title, dtype, order, meta]) Returns an array with the specified axes and filled with ones.
ones_like(array[, title, dtype, order, meta]) Returns an array with the same axes as array and filled with ones.
empty(axes[, title, dtype, order, meta]) Returns an array with the specified axes and uninitialized (arbitrary) data.
empty_like(array[, title, dtype, order, meta]) Returns an array with the same axes as array and uninitialized (arbitrary) data.
full(axes, fill_value[, title, dtype, …]) Returns an array with the specified axes and filled with fill_value.
full_like(array, fill_value[, title, dtype, …]) Returns an array with the same axes and type as input array and filled with fill_value.


Array.copy() Returns a copy of the array.
Array.astype(dtype[, order, casting, subok, …]) Copy of the array, cast to a specified type.


Array.data Data of the array (Numpy ndarray)
Array.axes Axes of the array (AxisCollection)
Array.title Title of the array (str)
Array.info Describes an Array (metadata + shape and labels for each axis).
Array.shape Returns the shape of the array as a tuple.
Array.ndim Returns the number of dimensions of the array.
Array.dtype Returns the type of the data of the array.
Array.size Returns the number of elements in array.
Array.nbytes Returns the number of bytes used to store the array in memory.
Array.memory_used Returns the memory consumed by the array in human readable form.


Array.i Allows selection of a subset using indices of labels.
Array.points Allows selection of arbitrary items in the array based on their N-dimensional label index.
Array.ipoints Allows selection of arbitrary items in the array based on their N-dimensional index.
Array.iflat Access the array by index as if it was flat (one dimensional) and all its axes were combined.
Array.set(value, **kwargs) Sets a subset of array to value.
Array.drop([labels]) Return array without some labels or indices along an axis.
Array.ignore_labels([axes]) Ignore labels from axes (replace those axes by “wildcard” axes).
Array.filter([collapse]) Filters the array along the axes given as keyword arguments.
Array.apply(transform, *args, **kwargs) Apply a transformation function to array elements.
Array.apply_map(mapping[, dtype]) Apply a transformation mapping to array elements.

Changing Axes or Labels

Array.set_axes([axes_to_replace, new_axis, …]) Replace one, several or all axes of the array.
Array.rename([renames, to, inplace]) Renames axes of the array.
Array.set_labels([axis, labels, inplace]) Replaces the labels of one or several axes of the array.
Array.combine_axes([axes, sep, wildcard]) Combine several axes into one.
Array.split_axes([axes, sep, names, regex, …]) Split axes and returns a new array
Array.reverse([axes]) Reverse axes of an array

Aggregation Functions

Array.sum(*axes_and_groups[, dtype, out, …]) Computes the sum of array elements along given axes/groups.
Array.sum_by(*axes_and_groups[, dtype, out, …]) Computes the sum of array elements for the given axes/groups.
Array.prod(*axes_and_groups[, dtype, out, …]) Computes the product of array elements along given axes/groups.
Array.prod_by(*axes_and_groups[, dtype, …]) Computes the product of array elements for the given axes/groups.
Array.cumsum([axis]) Returns the cumulative sum of array elements along an axis.
Array.cumprod([axis]) Returns the cumulative product of array elements.
Array.mean(*axes_and_groups[, dtype, out, …]) Computes the arithmetic mean.
Array.mean_by(*axes_and_groups[, dtype, …]) Computes the arithmetic mean.
Array.median(*axes_and_groups[, out, …]) Computes the arithmetic median.
Array.median_by(*axes_and_groups[, out, …]) Computes the arithmetic median.
Array.var(*axes_and_groups[, dtype, ddof, …]) Computes the unbiased variance.
Array.var_by(*axes_and_groups[, dtype, …]) Computes the unbiased variance.
Array.std(*axes_and_groups[, dtype, ddof, …]) Computes the sample standard deviation.
Array.std_by(*axes_and_groups[, dtype, …]) Computes the sample standard deviation.
Array.percentile(q, *axes_and_groups[, out, …]) Computes the qth percentile of the data along the specified axis.
Array.percentile_by(q, *axes_and_groups[, …]) Computes the qth percentile of the data for the specified axis.
Array.ptp(*axes_and_groups[, out]) Returns the range of values (maximum - minimum).
Array.with_total(*args[, op, label]) Add aggregated values (sum by default) along each axis.
Array.percent(*axes) Returns an array with values given as percent of the total of all values along given axes.
Array.ratio(*axes) Returns an array with all values divided by the sum of values along given axes.
Array.rationot0(*axes) Returns an Array with values array / array.sum(axes) where the sum is not 0, 0 otherwise.
Array.growth_rate([axis, d, label]) Calculates the growth along a given axis.
Array.describe(*args, **kwargs) Descriptive summary statistics, excluding NaN values.
Array.describe_by(*args, **kwargs) Descriptive summary statistics, excluding NaN values, along axes or for groups.


Array.sort_axes([axes, ascending]) Sorts axes of the array.
Array.sort_values([key, axis, ascending]) Sorts values of the array.
Array.labelsofsorted([axis, ascending, kind]) Returns the labels that would sort this array.
Array.indicesofsorted([axis, ascending, kind]) Returns the indices that would sort this array.


Array.reshape(target_axes) Given a list of new axes, changes the shape of the array.
Array.reshape_like(target) Same as reshape but with an array as input.
Array.compact() Detects and removes “useless” axes (ie axes for which values are constant over the whole axis)
Array.reindex([axes_to_reindex, new_axis, …]) Reorder and/or add new labels in axes.
Array.transpose(*args) Reorder axes.
Array.expand([target_axes, out, readonly]) Expands array to target_axes.
Array.prepend(axis, value[, label]) Adds an array before self along an axis.
Array.append(axis, value[, label]) Adds an array to self along an axis.
Array.extend(axis, other) Adds an array to self along an axis.
Array.insert(value[, before, after, pos, …]) Inserts value in array along an axis.
Array.broadcast_with(target[, check_compatible]) Returns an array that is (NumPy) broadcastable with target.
Array.align(other[, join, fill_value, axes]) Align two arrays on their axes with the specified join method.


Array.equals(other[, rtol, atol, …]) Compares self with another array and returns True if they have the same axes and elements, False otherwise.
Array.allclose(other, rtol, atol, …) Compares self with another array and returns True if they are element-wise equal within a tolerance.
Array.eq(other[, rtol, atol, nans_equal]) Compares self with another array element-wise and returns an array of booleans.
Array.isin(test_values[, assume_unique, invert]) Computes whether each element of this array is in test_values.
Array.nonzero() Returns the indices of the elements that are non-zero.
Array.all(*axes_and_groups[, out, skipna, …]) Test whether all selected elements evaluate to True.
Array.all_by(*axes_and_groups[, out, …]) Test whether all selected elements evaluate to True.
Array.any(*axes_and_groups[, out, skipna, …]) Test whether any selected elements evaluate to True.
Array.any_by(*axes_and_groups[, out, …]) Test whether any selected elements evaluate to True.
Array.min(*axes_and_groups[, out, skipna, …]) Get minimum of array elements along given axes/groups.
Array.min_by(*axes_and_groups[, out, …]) Get minimum of array elements for the given axes/groups.
Array.max(*axes_and_groups[, out, skipna, …]) Get maximum of array elements along given axes/groups.
Array.max_by(*axes_and_groups[, out, …]) Get maximum of array elements for the given axes/groups.
Array.labelofmin([axis]) Returns labels of the minimum values along a given axis.
Array.indexofmin([axis]) Returns indices of the minimum values along a given axis.
Array.labelofmax([axis]) Returns labels of the maximum values along a given axis.
Array.indexofmax([axis]) Returns indices of the maximum values along a given axis.


Array.keys([axes, ascending]) Returns a view on the array labels along axes.
Array.values([axes, ascending]) Returns a view on the values of the array along axes.
Array.items([axes, ascending]) Returns a (label, value) view of the array along axes.


@ Matrix multiplication


Array.divnot0(other) Divides array by other, but returns 0.0 where other is 0.
Array.clip([minval, maxval, out]) Clip (limit) the values in an array.
Array.shift(axis[, n]) Shifts the cells of the array n-times to the right along axis.
Array.roll([axis, n]) Rolls the cells of the array n-times to the right along axis.
Array.diff([axis, d, n, label]) Calculates the n-th order discrete difference along a given axis.
Array.unique([axes, sort, sep]) Returns unique values (optionally along axes)
Array.to_clipboard(*args, **kwargs) Sends the content of the array to clipboard.

Converting to Pandas objects

Array.to_series([name, dropna]) Converts an Array into a Pandas Series.
Array.to_frame([fold_last_axis_name, dropna]) Converts an Array into a Pandas DataFrame.


Array.plot Plots the data of the array into a graph (window pop-up).

Utility Functions


where(condition, x, y) Return elements, either from x or y, depending on condition.
maximum(x1, x2[, out, dtype]) Element-wise maximum of array elements.
minimum(x1, x2[, out, dtype]) Element-wise minimum of array elements.
inverse(*args, **kwargs) Compute the (multiplicative) inverse of a matrix.
interp(*args, **kwargs) One-dimensional linear interpolation for monotonically increasing sample points.
convolve(*args, **kwargs) Returns the discrete, linear convolution of two one-dimensional sequences.
absolute(x, /[, out, where, casting, order, …]) Calculate the absolute value element-wise.
fabs(x, /[, out, where, casting, order, …]) Compute the absolute values element-wise.
isscalar(element) Returns True if the type of element is a scalar type.
isnan(x, /[, out, where, casting, order, …]) Test element-wise for NaN and return result as a boolean array.
isinf(x, /[, out, where, casting, order, …]) Test element-wise for positive or negative infinity.
nan_to_num(*args, **kwargs) Replace NaN with zero and infinity with large finite numbers (default behaviour) or with the numbers defined by the user using the nan, posinf and/or neginf keywords.
sqrt(x, /[, out, where, casting, order, …]) Return the non-negative square-root of an array, element-wise.
i0(*args, **kwargs) Modified Bessel function of the first kind, order 0.
sinc(*args, **kwargs) Return the normalized sinc function.


round(*args, **kwargs) Round an array to the given number of decimals.
floor(x, /[, out, where, casting, order, …]) Return the floor of the input, element-wise.
ceil(x, /[, out, where, casting, order, …]) Return the ceiling of the input, element-wise.
trunc(x, /[, out, where, casting, order, …]) Return the truncated value of the input, element-wise.
rint(x, /[, out, where, casting, order, …]) Round elements of the array to the nearest integer.
fix(*args, **kwargs) Round to nearest integer towards zero.

Exponents And Logarithms

exp(x, /[, out, where, casting, order, …]) Calculate the exponential of all elements in the input array.
expm1(x, /[, out, where, casting, order, …]) Calculate exp(x) - 1 for all elements in the array.
exp2(x, /[, out, where, casting, order, …]) Calculate 2**p for all p in the input array.
log(x, /[, out, where, casting, order, …]) Natural logarithm, element-wise.
log10(x, /[, out, where, casting, order, …]) Return the base 10 logarithm of the input array, element-wise.
log2(x, /[, out, where, casting, order, …]) Base-2 logarithm of x.
log1p(x, /[, out, where, casting, order, …]) Return the natural logarithm of one plus the input array, element-wise.
logaddexp(x1, x2, /[, out, where, casting, …]) Logarithm of the sum of exponentiations of the inputs.
logaddexp2(x1, x2, /[, out, where, casting, …]) Logarithm of the sum of exponentiations of the inputs in base-2.

Trigonometric functions

sin(x, /[, out, where, casting, order, …]) Trigonometric sine, element-wise.
cos(x, /[, out, where, casting, order, …]) Cosine element-wise.
tan(x, /[, out, where, casting, order, …]) Compute tangent element-wise.
arcsin(x, /[, out, where, casting, order, …]) Inverse sine, element-wise.
arccos(x, /[, out, where, casting, order, …]) Trigonometric inverse cosine, element-wise.
arctan(x, /[, out, where, casting, order, …]) Trigonometric inverse tangent, element-wise.
hypot(x1, x2, /[, out, where, casting, …]) Given the “legs” of a right triangle, return its hypotenuse.
arctan2(x1, x2, /[, out, where, casting, …]) Element-wise arc tangent of x1/x2 choosing the quadrant correctly.
degrees(x, /[, out, where, casting, order, …]) Convert angles from radians to degrees.
radians(x, /[, out, where, casting, order, …]) Convert angles from degrees to radians.
unwrap(*args, **kwargs) Unwrap by taking the complement of large deltas with respect to the period.

Hyperbolic functions

sinh(x, /[, out, where, casting, order, …]) Hyperbolic sine, element-wise.
cosh(x, /[, out, where, casting, order, …]) Hyperbolic cosine, element-wise.
tanh(x, /[, out, where, casting, order, …]) Compute hyperbolic tangent element-wise.
arcsinh(x, /[, out, where, casting, order, …]) Inverse hyperbolic sine element-wise.
arccosh(x, /[, out, where, casting, order, …]) Inverse hyperbolic cosine, element-wise.
arctanh(x, /[, out, where, casting, order, …]) Inverse hyperbolic tangent element-wise.

Complex Numbers

angle(*args, **kwargs) Return the angle of the complex argument.
real(*args, **kwargs) Return the real part of the complex argument.
imag(*args, **kwargs) Return the imaginary part of the complex argument.
conj(x, /[, out, where, casting, order, …]) Return the complex conjugate, element-wise.

Floating Point Routines

signbit(x, /[, out, where, casting, order, …]) Returns element-wise True where signbit is set (less than zero).
copysign(x1, x2, /[, out, where, casting, …]) Change the sign of x1 to that of x2, element-wise.
frexp(x[, out1, out2], / [[, out, where, …]) Decompose the elements of x into mantissa and twos exponent.
ldexp(x1, x2, /[, out, where, casting, …]) Returns x1 * 2**x2, element-wise.


Metadata An ordered dictionary allowing key-values accessibly using attribute notation (AttributeDict.attribute) instead of key notation (Dict[“key”]).



read_csv(filepath_or_buffer[, nb_axes, …]) Reads csv file and returns an array with the contents.
read_tsv(filepath_or_buffer, **kwargs)
read_excel(filepath[, sheet, nb_axes, …]) Reads excel file from sheet name and returns an Array with the contents
read_hdf(filepath_or_buffer, key[, …]) Reads a scalar or an axis or group or array named key from a HDF5 file in filepath (path+name)
read_eurostat(filepath_or_buffer, **kwargs) Reads EUROSTAT TSV (tab-separated) file into an array.
read_sas(filepath[, nb_axes, index_col, …]) Reads sas file and returns an Array with the contents
read_stata(filepath_or_buffer[, index_col, …]) Reads Stata .dta file and returns an Array with the contents


Array.to_csv(filepath[, sep, na_rep, wide, …]) Writes array to a csv file.
Array.to_excel([filepath, sheet, position, …]) Writes array in the specified sheet of specified excel workbook.
Array.to_hdf(filepath, key) Writes array to a HDF file.
Array.to_stata(filepath_or_buffer, **kwargs) Writes array to a Stata .dta file.
Array.dump(self[, header, wide, value_name, …]) Dump array as a 2D nested list.


open_excel([filepath, overwrite_file, …]) Open an Excel workbook
Workbook([filepath, overwrite_file, …]) Excel Workbook.
Workbook.sheet_names() Returns the names of the Excel sheets.
Workbook.save([path]) Saves the Workbook.
Workbook.close() Close the workbook in Excel.
Workbook.app() Return the Excel instance this workbook is attached to.


ExcelReport() Automate the generation of multiple graphs in an Excel file.
ExcelReport.template_dir Set the path to the directory containing the Excel template files (with ‘.crtx’ extension).
ExcelReport.template Set a default Excel template file.
ExcelReport.set_item_default_size(kind[, …]) Override the default ‘width’ and ‘height’ values for the given kind of item.
ExcelReport.graphs_per_row Default number of graphs per row.
ExcelReport.new_sheet(sheet_name) Add a new empty output sheet.
ExcelReport.sheet_names() Returns the names of the output sheets.
ExcelReport.to_excel(filepath[, …]) Generate the report Excel file.


ReportSheet() Represents a sheet dedicated to contains only graphical items (title banners, graphs).
ReportSheet.template_dir Set the path to the directory containing the Excel template files (with ‘.crtx’ extension).
ReportSheet.template Set a default Excel template file.
ReportSheet.set_item_default_size(kind[, …]) Override the default ‘width’ and ‘height’ values for the given kind of item.
ReportSheet.graphs_per_row Default number of graphs per row.
ReportSheet.add_title(title[, width, …]) Add a title item to the current sheet.
ReportSheet.add_graph(data[, title, …]) Add a graph item to the current sheet.
ReportSheet.add_graphs(array_per_title, …) Add multiple graph items to the current sheet.
ReportSheet.newline() Force a new row of graphs.


asarray(a[, meta]) Converts input as Array if possible.
from_frame(df[, sort_rows, sort_columns, …]) Converts Pandas DataFrame into Array.
from_series(s[, sort_rows, fill_value, meta]) Converts Pandas Series into Array.
get_example_filepath(fname) Return absolute path to an example file if exist.
set_options(**kwargs) Set options for larray in a controlled context.
get_options() Return the current options.
labels_array(axes[, title, meta]) Returns an array with specified axes and the combination of corresponding labels as values.
union(*args) Returns the union of several “value strings” as a list.
stack([elements, axes, title, meta, dtype, …]) Combines several arrays or sessions along an axis.
diag(a[, k, axes, ndim, split]) Extracts a diagonal or construct a diagonal array.
eye(rows[, columns, k, title, dtype, meta]) Returns a 2-D array with ones on the diagonal and zeros elsewhere.
ipfp(target_sums[, a, axes, maxiter, …]) Apply Iterative Proportional Fitting Procedure (also known as bi-proportional fitting in statistics, RAS algorithm in economics) to array a, with target_sums as targets.
wrap_elementwise_array_func(func[, doc]) Wrap a function using numpy arrays to work with LArray arrays instead.
zip_array_values(values[, axes, ascending]) Returns a sequence as if simultaneously iterating on several arrays.
zip_array_items(values[, axes, ascending]) Returns a sequence as if simultaneously iterating on several arrays as well as the current iteration “key”.


Session(*args, **kwargs) Groups several objects together.
arrays([depth, include_private, meta]) Returns a session containing all available arrays (whether they are defined in local or global variables) sorted in alphabetical order.
local_arrays([depth, include_private, meta]) Returns a session containing all local arrays sorted in alphabetical order.
global_arrays([depth, include_private, meta]) Returns a session containing all global arrays sorted in alphabetical order.
load_example_data(name) Load arrays used in the tutorial so that all examples in it can be reproduced.


Session.names Returns the list of names of the objects in the session.
Session.keys() Returns a view on the session’s keys.
Session.values() Returns a view on the session’s values.
Session.items() Returns a view of the session’s items ((key, value) pairs).
Session.summary([template]) Returns a summary of the content of the session.


Session.copy() Returns a copy of the session.


Session.element_equals(other) Test if each element (group, axis and array) of the current session equals the corresponding element of another session.
Session.equals(other) Test if all elements (groups, axes and arrays) of the current session are equal to those of another session.


Session.get(key[, default]) Returns the object corresponding to the key.


Session.add(*args, **kwargs) Adds objects to the current session.
Session.update([other]) Update the session with the key/value pairs from other or passed keyword arguments, overwriting existing keys.
Session.apply(func, *args, **kwargs) Apply function func on elements of the session and return a new session.
Session.transpose(*args) Reorder axes of arrays in session, ignoring missing axes for each array.


Session.filter([pattern, kind]) Returns a new session with objects which match some criteria.
Session.compact([display]) Detects and removes “useless” axes (ie axes for which values are constant over the whole axis) for all array objects in session


Session.load(fname[, names, engine, display]) Load objects from a file, or several .csv files.
Session.save(fname[, names, engine, …]) Dumps objects from the current session to a file, or several .csv files.
Session.to_csv(fname[, names, display]) Dumps Array objects from the current session to CSV files.
Session.to_excel(fname[, names, overwrite, …]) Dumps Array objects from the current session to an Excel file.
Session.to_hdf(fname[, names, overwrite, …]) Dumps objects from the current session to an HDF file.
Session.to_pickle(fname[, names, overwrite, …]) Dumps objects from the current session to a file using pickle.


CheckedArray(axes, dtype)


CheckedSession(*args, **kwargs) This class is intended to be inherited by user defined classes in which the variables of a model are declared.


CheckedParameters(*args, **kwargs) Same as py:class:CheckedSession but declared variables cannot be modified after initialization.


view([obj, title, depth]) Opens a new viewer window.
edit([obj, title, minvalue, maxvalue, …]) Opens a new editor window.
debug([depth]) Opens a new debug window.
compare(*args, **kwargs) Opens a new comparator window, comparing arrays or sessions.
run_editor_on_exception([root_path, …]) Runs the editor when an unhandled exception (a fatal error) happens.


random.randint(low[, high, axes, dtype, meta]) Return random integers from low (inclusive) to high (exclusive).
random.normal([loc, scale, axes, meta]) Draw random samples from a normal (Gaussian) distribution.
random.uniform([low, high, axes, meta]) Draw samples from a uniform distribution.
random.permutation(x[, axis]) Randomly permute a sequence along an axis, or return a permuted range.
random.choice([choices, axes, replace, p, meta]) Generates a random sample from given choices


nan NaN (Not a Number)
inf \(\infty\) (infinite)
pi \(\pi\)
e \(e\)
euler_gamma Euler’s \(\gamma\)