
larray.edit(obj=None, title='', minvalue=None, maxvalue=None, readonly=False, depth=0)[source]

Opens a new editor window.

obj : np.ndarray, Array, Session, dict, str or REOPEN_LAST_FILE, optional

Object to visualize. If string, array(s) will be loaded from the file given as argument. Passing the constant REOPEN_LAST_FILE loads the last opened file. Defaults to the collection of all local variables where the function was called.

title : str, optional

Title for the current object. Defaults to the name of the first object found in the caller namespace which corresponds to obj (it will use a combination of the 3 first names if several names correspond to the same object).

minvalue : scalar, optional

Minimum value allowed.

maxvalue : scalar, optional

Maximum value allowed.

readonly : bool, optional

Whether or not editing array values is forbidden. Defaults to False.

depth : int, optional

Stack depth where to look for variables. Defaults to 0 (where this function was called).


>>> a1 = ndtest(3)                                                                                 # doctest: +SKIP
>>> a2 = ndtest(3) + 1                                                                             # doctest: +SKIP
>>> # will open an editor with all the arrays available at this point
>>> # (a1 and a2 in this case)
>>> edit()                                                                                         # doctest: +SKIP
>>> # will open an editor for a1 only
>>> edit(a1)                                                                                       # doctest: +SKIP