Interactive online version: Binder badge

Indexing, Selecting and Assigning

Import the LArray library:

from larray import *

Check the version of LArray:

from larray import __version__

Import the test array pop:

# let's start with
pop = load_example_data('demography').pop
time     geo  age  sex\nat    BE    FO
1991  BruCap    0        M  4182  2377
1991  BruCap    0        F  4052  2188
1991  BruCap    1        M  3904  2316
1991  BruCap    1        F  3769  2241
1991  BruCap    2        M  3790  2365
 ...     ...  ...      ...   ...   ...
2016     Wal  118        F     0     0
2016     Wal  119        M     0     0
2016     Wal  119        F     0     0
2016     Wal  120        M     0     0
2016     Wal  120        F     0     0

Selecting (Subsets)

LArray allows to select a subset of an array either by labels or indices (positions)

Selecting by Labels

To take a subset of an array using labels, use brackets [ ].

Let’s start by selecting a single element:

# here we select the value associated with Belgian women
# of age 50 from Brussels region for the year 2015
pop[2015, 'BruCap', 50, 'F', 'BE']

Continue with selecting a subset using slices and lists of labels

# here we select the subset associated with Belgian women of age 50, 51 and 52
# from Brussels region for the years 2010 to 2016
pop[2010:2016, 'BruCap', 50:52, 'F', 'BE']
time\age    50    51    52
    2010  4869  4811  4699
    2011  5015  4860  4792
    2012  4722  5014  4818
    2013  4711  4727  5007
    2014  4788  4702  4730
    2015  4813  4767  4676
    2016  4814  4792  4740
# slices bounds are optional:
# if not given start is assumed to be the first label and stop is the last one.
# Here we select all years starting from 2010
pop[2010:, 'BruCap', 50:52, 'F', 'BE']
time\age    50    51    52
    2010  4869  4811  4699
    2011  5015  4860  4792
    2012  4722  5014  4818
    2013  4711  4727  5007
    2014  4788  4702  4730
    2015  4813  4767  4676
    2016  4814  4792  4740
# Slices can also have a step (defaults to 1), to take every Nth labels
# Here we select all even years starting from 2010
pop[2010::2, 'BruCap', 50:52, 'F', 'BE']
time\age    50    51    52
    2010  4869  4811  4699
    2012  4722  5014  4818
    2014  4788  4702  4730
    2016  4814  4792  4740
# one can also use list of labels to take non-contiguous labels.
# Here we select years 2008, 2010, 2013 and 2015
pop[[2008, 2010, 2013, 2015], 'BruCap', 50:52, 'F', 'BE']
time\age    50    51    52
    2008  4731  4735  4724
    2010  4869  4811  4699
    2013  4711  4727  5007
    2015  4813  4767  4676

The order of indexing does not matter either, so you usually do not care/have to remember about axes positions during computation. It only matters for output.

# order of index doesn't matter
pop['F', 'BE', 'BruCap', [2008, 2010, 2013, 2015], 50:52]
time\age    50    51    52
    2008  4731  4735  4724
    2010  4869  4811  4699
    2013  4711  4727  5007
    2015  4813  4767  4676

Warning: Selecting by labels as above works well as long as there is no ambiguity. When two or more axes have common labels, it may lead to a crash. The solution is then to precise to which axis belong the labels.

# let us now create an array with the same labels on several axes
age, weight, size = Axis('age=0..80'), Axis('weight=0..120'), Axis('size=0..200')

arr_ws = ndtest([age, weight, size])
# let's try to select teenagers with size between 1 m 60 and 1 m 65 and weight > 80 kg.
# In this case the subset is ambiguous and this results in an error:
arr_ws[10:18, :80, 160:165]
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-12-139cd48d3ba8> in <module>
      1 # let's try to select teenagers with size between 1 m 60 and 1 m 65 and weight > 80 kg.
      2 # In this case the subset is ambiguous and this results in an error:
----> 3 arr_ws[10:18, :80, 160:165]

~/checkouts/ in __getitem__(self, key, collapse_slices, translate_key)
   2134         # FIXME: I have a huge problem with boolean axis labels + non points
   2135         raw_broadcasted_key, res_axes, transpose_indices = self.axes._key_to_raw_and_axes(key, collapse_slices,
-> 2136                                                                                           translate_key)
   2137         res_data = data[raw_broadcasted_key]
   2138         if res_axes:

~/checkouts/ in _key_to_raw_and_axes(self, key, collapse_slices, translate_key)
   2807         if translate_key:
-> 2808             key = self._translated_key(key)
   2809         assert isinstance(key, tuple) and len(key) == self.ndim

~/checkouts/ in _translated_key(self, key)
   2766         """
   2767         # any key -> (IGroup, IGroup, ...)
-> 2768         igroup_key = self._key_to_igroups(key)
   2770         # extract axis from Group keys

~/checkouts/ in _key_to_igroups(self, key)
   2747         # translate all keys to IGroup
-> 2748         return tuple(self._translate_axis_key(axis_key) for axis_key in key)
   2750     def _translated_key(self, key):

~/checkouts/ in <genexpr>(.0)
   2747         # translate all keys to IGroup
-> 2748         return tuple(self._translate_axis_key(axis_key) for axis_key in key)
   2750     def _translated_key(self, key):

~/checkouts/ in _translate_axis_key(self, axis_key)
   2686             return self._translate_axis_key_chunk(axis_key)
   2687         else:
-> 2688             return self._translate_axis_key_chunk(axis_key)
   2690     def _key_to_igroups(self, key):

~/checkouts/ in _translate_axis_key_chunk(self, axis_key)
   2618             valid_axes = ', '.join( if is not None else '{{{}}}'.format(self.index(a))
   2619                                    for a in valid_axes)
-> 2620             raise ValueError('%s is ambiguous (valid in %s)' % (axis_key, valid_axes))
   2621         return valid_axes[0].i[axis_pos_key]

ValueError: slice(10, 18, None) is ambiguous (valid in age, weight, size)
# the solution is simple. You need to precise the axes on which you make a selection
arr_ws[age[10:18], weight[:80], size[160:165]]
age  weight\size     160     161     162     163     164     165
 10            0  243370  243371  243372  243373  243374  243375
 10            1  243571  243572  243573  243574  243575  243576
 10            2  243772  243773  243774  243775  243776  243777
 10            3  243973  243974  243975  243976  243977  243978
 10            4  244174  244175  244176  244177  244178  244179
...          ...     ...     ...     ...     ...     ...     ...
 18           76  453214  453215  453216  453217  453218  453219
 18           77  453415  453416  453417  453418  453419  453420
 18           78  453616  453617  453618  453619  453620  453621
 18           79  453817  453818  453819  453820  453821  453822
 18           80  454018  454019  454020  454021  454022  454023

Ambiguous Cases - Specifying Axes Using The Special Variable X

When selecting, assiging or using aggregate functions, an axis can be refered via the special variable X:

  • pop[X.age[:20]]

  • pop.sum(X.age)

This gives you acces to axes of the array you are manipulating. The main drawback of using X is that you lose the autocompletion available from many editors. It only works with non-anonymous axes for which names do not contain whitespaces or special characters.

# the previous example could have been also written as
arr_ws[X.age[10:18], X.weight[:80], X.size[160:165]]
age  weight\size     160     161     162     163     164     165
 10            0  243370  243371  243372  243373  243374  243375
 10            1  243571  243572  243573  243574  243575  243576
 10            2  243772  243773  243774  243775  243776  243777
 10            3  243973  243974  243975  243976  243977  243978
 10            4  244174  244175  244176  244177  244178  244179
...          ...     ...     ...     ...     ...     ...     ...
 18           76  453214  453215  453216  453217  453218  453219
 18           77  453415  453416  453417  453418  453419  453420
 18           78  453616  453617  453618  453619  453620  453621
 18           79  453817  453818  453819  453820  453821  453822
 18           80  454018  454019  454020  454021  454022  454023

Selecting by Indices

Sometimes it is more practical to use indices (positions) along the axis, instead of labels. You need to add the character i before the brackets: .i[indices]. As for selection with labels, you can use a single index, a slice or a list of indices. Indices can be also negative (-1 represent the last element of an axis).

Note: Remember that indices (positions) are always 0-based in Python. So the first element is at index 0, the second is at index 1, etc.

# here we select the subset associated with Belgian women of age 50, 51 and 52
# from Brussels region for the first 3 years
pop[X.time.i[:3], 'BruCap', 50:52, 'F', 'BE']
time\age    50    51    52
    1991  3739  4138  4101
    1992  3373  3665  4088
    1993  3648  3335  3615
# same but for the last 3 years
pop[X.time.i[-3:], 'BruCap', 50:52, 'F', 'BE']
time\age    50    51    52
    2014  4788  4702  4730
    2015  4813  4767  4676
    2016  4814  4792  4740
# using list of indices
pop[X.time.i[-9,-7,-4,-2], 'BruCap', 50:52, 'F', 'BE']
time\age    50    51    52
    2008  4731  4735  4724
    2010  4869  4811  4699
    2013  4711  4727  5007
    2015  4813  4767  4676

Warning: The end indice (position) is EXCLUSIVE while the end label is INCLUSIVE.

# with labels (3 is included)
pop[2015, 'BruCap', X.age[:3], 'F', 'BE']
age     0     1     2     3
     6020  5882  6023  5861
# with indices (3 is out)
pop[2015, 'BruCap', X.age.i[:3], 'F', 'BE']
age     0     1     2
     6020  5882  6023

You can use .i[] selection directly on array instead of axes. In this context, if you want to select a subset of the first and third axes for example, you must use a full slice : for the second one.

# here we select the last year and first 3 ages
# equivalent to: pop.i[-1, :, :3, :, :]
pop.i[-1, :, :3]
   geo  age  sex\nat     BE    FO
BruCap    0        M   6155  3104
BruCap    0        F   5900  2817
BruCap    1        M   6165  3068
BruCap    1        F   5916  2946
BruCap    2        M   6053  2918
BruCap    2        F   5736  2776
   Fla    0        M  29993  3717
   Fla    0        F  28483  3587
   Fla    1        M  31292  3716
   Fla    1        F  29721  3575
   Fla    2        M  31718  3597
   Fla    2        F  30353  3387
   Wal    0        M  17869  1472
   Wal    0        F  17242  1454
   Wal    1        M  18820  1432
   Wal    1        F  17604  1443
   Wal    2        M  19076  1444
   Wal    2        F  18189  1358

Using Groups In Selections

teens = pop.age[10:20]

pop[2015, 'BruCap', teens, 'F', 'BE']
age    10    11    12    13    14    15    16    17    18    19    20
     5124  4865  4758  4807  4587  4593  4429  4466  4517  4461  4464

Assigning subsets

Assigning A Value

Assign a value to a subset

# let's take a smaller array
pop = load_example_data('demography').pop[2016, 'BruCap', 100:105]
pop2 = pop
age  sex\nat  BE  FO
100        M  12   0
100        F  60   3
101        M  12   2
101        F  66   5
102        M   8   0
102        F  26   1
103        M   2   1
103        F  17   2
104        M   2   1
104        F  14   0
105        M   0   0
105        F   2   2
# set all data corresponding to age >= 102 to 0
pop2[102:] = 0
age  sex\nat  BE  FO
100        M  12   0
100        F  60   3
101        M  12   2
101        F  66   5
102        M   0   0
102        F   0   0
103        M   0   0
103        F   0   0
104        M   0   0
104        F   0   0
105        M   0   0
105        F   0   0

One very important gotcha though…

Warning: Modifying a slice of an array in-place like we did above should be done with care otherwise you could have unexpected effects. The reason is that taking a slice subset of an array does not return a copy of that array, but rather a view on that array. To avoid such behavior, use .copy() method.


  • taking a slice subset of an array is extremely fast (no data is copied)

  • if one modifies that subset in-place, one also modifies the original array

  • .copy() returns a copy of the subset (takes speed and memory) but allows you to change the subset without modifying the original array in the same time

# indeed, data from the original array have also changed
age  sex\nat  BE  FO
100        M  12   0
100        F  60   3
101        M  12   2
101        F  66   5
102        M   0   0
102        F   0   0
103        M   0   0
103        F   0   0
104        M   0   0
104        F   0   0
105        M   0   0
105        F   0   0
# the right way
pop = load_example_data('demography').pop[2016, 'BruCap', 100:105]

pop2 = pop.copy()
pop2[102:] = 0
age  sex\nat  BE  FO
100        M  12   0
100        F  60   3
101        M  12   2
101        F  66   5
102        M   0   0
102        F   0   0
103        M   0   0
103        F   0   0
104        M   0   0
104        F   0   0
105        M   0   0
105        F   0   0
# now, data from the original array have not changed this time
age  sex\nat  BE  FO
100        M  12   0
100        F  60   3
101        M  12   2
101        F  66   5
102        M   8   0
102        F  26   1
103        M   2   1
103        F  17   2
104        M   2   1
104        F  14   0
105        M   0   0
105        F   2   2

Assigning Arrays And Broadcasting

Instead of a value, we can also assign an array to a subset. In that case, that array can have less axes than the target but those which are present must be compatible with the subset being targeted.

sex, nat = Axis('sex=M,F'), Axis('nat=BE,FO')
new_value = LArray([[1, -1], [2, -2]],[sex, nat])
sex\nat  BE  FO
      M   1  -1
      F   2  -2
# this assigns 1, -1 to Belgian, Foreigner men
# and 2, -2 to Belgian, Foreigner women for all
# people older than 100
pop[102:] = new_value
age  sex\nat  BE  FO
100        M  12   0
100        F  60   3
101        M  12   2
101        F  66   5
102        M   1  -1
102        F   2  -2
103        M   1  -1
103        F   2  -2
104        M   1  -1
104        F   2  -2
105        M   1  -1
105        F   2  -2

Warning: The array being assigned must have compatible axes (i.e. same axes names and same labels) with the target subset.

# assume we define the following array with shape 3 x 2 x 2
new_value = zeros(['age=100..102', sex, nat])
age  sex\nat   BE   FO
100        M  0.0  0.0
100        F  0.0  0.0
101        M  0.0  0.0
101        F  0.0  0.0
102        M  0.0  0.0
102        F  0.0  0.0
# now let's try to assign the previous array in a subset from age 103 to 105
pop[103:105] = new_value
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-30-63d0ef0af080> in <module>
      1 # now let's try to assign the previous array in a subset from age 103 to 105
----> 2 pop[103:105] = new_value

~/checkouts/ in __setitem__(self, key, value, collapse_slices, translate_key)
   2154             # TODO: the check_compatible should be included in broadcast_with
   2155             value = value.broadcast_with(target_axes)
-> 2156             value.axes.check_compatible(target_axes)
   2158             # replace incomprehensible error message "could not broadcast input array from shape XX into shape YY"

~/checkouts/ in check_compatible(self, axes)
   1986             local_axis = self.get_by_pos(axis, i)
   1987             if not local_axis.iscompatible(axis):
-> 1988                 raise ValueError("incompatible axes:\n{!r}\nvs\n{!r}".format(axis, local_axis))
   1990     # XXX: deprecate method (functionality is duplicated in union)?

ValueError: incompatible axes:
Axis([103, 104, 105], 'age')
Axis([100, 101, 102], 'age')
# but this works
pop[100:102] = new_value
age  sex\nat  BE  FO
100        M   0   0
100        F   0   0
101        M   0   0
101        F   0   0
102        M   0   0
102        F   0   0
103        M   1  -1
103        F   2  -2
104        M   1  -1
104        F   2  -2
105        M   1  -1
105        F   2  -2

Boolean Filtering

Boolean filtering can be use to extract subsets.

#Let's focus on population living in Brussels during the year 2016
pop = load_example_data('demography').pop[2016, 'BruCap']

# here we select all males and females with age less than 5 and 10 respectively
subset = pop[(( == 'H') & (X.age <= 5)) | (( == 'F') & (X.age <= 10))]
sex_age\nat    BE    FO
        F_0  5900  2817
        F_1  5916  2946
        F_2  5736  2776
        F_3  5883  2734
        F_4  5784  2523
        F_5  5780  2521
        F_6  5759  2290
        F_7  5518  2234
        F_8  5474  2066
        F_9  5354  1896
       F_10  5200  1785

Note: Be aware that after boolean filtering, several axes may have merged.

# 'age' and 'sex' axes have been merged together
11 x 2
 sex_age [11]: 'F_0' 'F_1' 'F_2' ... 'F_8' 'F_9' 'F_10'
 nat [2]: 'BE' 'FO'
dtype: int64
memory used: 176 bytes

This may be not what you because previous selections on merged axes are no longer valid

# now let's try to calculate the proportion of females with age less than 10
subset['F'].sum() / pop['F'].sum()
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-34-d9f443e5c9e1> in <module>
      1 # now let's try to calculate the proportion of females with age less than 10
----> 2 subset['F'].sum() / pop['F'].sum()

~/checkouts/ in __getitem__(self, key, collapse_slices, translate_key)
   2134         # FIXME: I have a huge problem with boolean axis labels + non points
   2135         raw_broadcasted_key, res_axes, transpose_indices = self.axes._key_to_raw_and_axes(key, collapse_slices,
-> 2136                                                                                           translate_key)
   2137         res_data = data[raw_broadcasted_key]
   2138         if res_axes:

~/checkouts/ in _key_to_raw_and_axes(self, key, collapse_slices, translate_key)
   2807         if translate_key:
-> 2808             key = self._translated_key(key)
   2809         assert isinstance(key, tuple) and len(key) == self.ndim

~/checkouts/ in _translated_key(self, key)
   2766         """
   2767         # any key -> (IGroup, IGroup, ...)
-> 2768         igroup_key = self._key_to_igroups(key)
   2770         # extract axis from Group keys

~/checkouts/ in _key_to_igroups(self, key)
   2747         # translate all keys to IGroup
-> 2748         return tuple(self._translate_axis_key(axis_key) for axis_key in key)
   2750     def _translated_key(self, key):

~/checkouts/ in <genexpr>(.0)
   2747         # translate all keys to IGroup
-> 2748         return tuple(self._translate_axis_key(axis_key) for axis_key in key)
   2750     def _translated_key(self, key):

~/checkouts/ in _translate_axis_key(self, axis_key)
   2686             return self._translate_axis_key_chunk(axis_key)
   2687         else:
-> 2688             return self._translate_axis_key_chunk(axis_key)
   2690     def _key_to_igroups(self, key):

~/checkouts/ in _translate_axis_key_chunk(self, axis_key)
   2612                 continue
   2613         if not valid_axes:
-> 2614             raise ValueError("%s is not a valid label for any axis" % axis_key)
   2615         elif len(valid_axes) > 1:
   2616             # TODO: make an AxisCollection.display_name(axis) method out of this

ValueError: F is not a valid label for any axis

Therefore, it is sometimes more useful to not select, but rather set to 0 (or another value) non matching elements

subset = pop.copy()
subset[(( == 'F') & (X.age > 10))] = 0
subset['F', :20]
age\nat    BE    FO
      0  5900  2817
      1  5916  2946
      2  5736  2776
      3  5883  2734
      4  5784  2523
      5  5780  2521
      6  5759  2290
      7  5518  2234
      8  5474  2066
      9  5354  1896
     10  5200  1785
     11     0     0
     12     0     0
     13     0     0
     14     0     0
     15     0     0
     16     0     0
     17     0     0
     18     0     0
     19     0     0
     20     0     0
# now we can calculate the proportion of females with age less than 10
subset['F'].sum() / pop['F'].sum()

Boolean filtering can also mix axes and arrays. Example above could also have been written as

age_limit = sequence('sex=M,F', initial=5, inc=5)
sex  M   F
     5  10
age = pop.axes['age']
(age <= age_limit)[:20]
age\sex      M      F
      0   True   True
      1   True   True
      2   True   True
      3   True   True
      4   True   True
      5   True   True
      6  False   True
      7  False   True
      8  False   True
      9  False   True
     10  False   True
     11  False  False
     12  False  False
     13  False  False
     14  False  False
     15  False  False
     16  False  False
     17  False  False
     18  False  False
     19  False  False
     20  False  False
subset = pop.copy()
subset[X.age > age_limit] = 0
subset['F'].sum() / pop['F'].sum()

Finally, you can choose to filter on data instead of axes

# let's focus on females older than 90
subset = pop['F', 90:110].copy()
age\nat    BE   FO
     90  1477  136
     91  1298  105
     92  1141   78
     93   906   74
     94   739   65
     95   566   53
     96   327   25
     97   171   21
     98   135    9
     99    92    8
    100    60    3
    101    66    5
    102    26    1
    103    17    2
    104    14    0
    105     2    2
    106     3    3
    107     1    2
    108     1    0
    109     0    0
    110     0    0
# here we set to 0 all data < 10
subset[subset < 10] = 0
age\nat    BE   FO
     90  1477  136
     91  1298  105
     92  1141   78
     93   906   74
     94   739   65
     95   566   53
     96   327   25
     97   171   21
     98   135    0
     99    92    0
    100    60    0
    101    66    0
    102    26    0
    103    17    0
    104    14    0
    105     0    0
    106     0    0
    107     0    0
    108     0    0
    109     0    0
    110     0    0