
Session.apply(self, func, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Apply function func on elements of the session and return a new session.


Function to apply to each element of the session. It should take a single element argument and return a single value.


Any extra arguments are passed to the function

kindtype or tuple of types, optional

Type(s) of elements func will be applied to. Other elements will be left intact. Use ´kind=object´ to apply to all kinds of objects. Defaults to LArray.


Any extra keyword arguments are passed to the function


A new session containing all processed elements


>>> arr1 = ndtest(2)
>>> arr1
a  a0  a1
    0   1
>>> arr2 = ndtest(3)
>>> arr2
a  a0  a1  a2
    0   1   2
>>> sess1 = Session([('arr1', arr1), ('arr2', arr2)])
>>> sess1
Session(arr1, arr2)
>>> def increment(array):
...     return array + 1
>>> sess2 = sess1.apply(increment)
>>> sess2.arr1
a  a0  a1
    1   2
>>> sess2.arr2
a  a0  a1  a2
    1   2   3

You may also pass extra arguments or keyword arguments to the function

>>> def change(array, increment=1, multiplier=1):
...     return (array + increment) * multiplier
>>> sess2 = sess1.apply(change, 2, 2)
>>> sess2 = sess1.apply(change, 2, multiplier=2)
>>> sess2.arr1
a  a0  a1
    4   6
>>> sess2.arr2
a  a0  a1  a2
    4   6   8