
LArray.prepend(self, axis, value, label=None)[source]

Adds an array before self along an axis.

The two arrays must have compatible axes.

axisaxis reference

Axis along which to prepend input array (value)

valuescalar or LArray

Scalar or array with compatible axes.

labelstr, optional

Label for the new item in axis


Array expanded with ‘value’ at the start of ‘axis’.


>>> a = ones('nat=BE,FO;sex=M,F')
>>> a
nat\sex    M    F
     BE  1.0  1.0
     FO  1.0  1.0
>>> a.prepend('sex', a.sum('sex'), 'M+F')
nat\sex  M+F    M    F
     BE  2.0  1.0  1.0
     FO  2.0  1.0  1.0
>>> a.prepend('nat', 2, 'Other')
nat\sex    M    F
  Other  2.0  2.0
     BE  1.0  1.0
     FO  1.0  1.0
>>> b = zeros('type=type1,type2')
>>> b
type  type1  type2
        0.0    0.0
>>> a.prepend('sex', b, 'Other')
nat  sex\type  type1  type2
 BE     Other    0.0    0.0
 BE         M    1.0    1.0
 BE         F    1.0    1.0
 FO     Other    0.0    0.0
 FO         M    1.0    1.0
 FO         F    1.0    1.0